State Grid Kashgar Power Supply Company strives to ensure that spring ploughing is not wrong

In order to further play the “engine” role of electricity in agricultural production, the State Grid Kashgar Power Supply Company, based on its responsibilities, pays close attention to the key links of electricity consumption in agricultural production, and establishes a service team of Communist Party members to go deep into the fields during the spring ploughing production to provide agricultural services. The power equipment and lines required for production are inspected and repaired, so as to solve the problem of electricity consumption in agricultural production for farmers, and help the spring ploughing work to be carried out in an orderly manner.

This year, Zhang Yuxia, who is engaged in greenhouse cultivation, contracted 32 greenhouses to plant watermelons, cucumbers, strawberries and tomatoes. In the past two days, her strawberry orchard ushered in the peak picking season. On April 18, the staff of the power supply company conducted a routine “physical examination” of the power supply lines and electric roller shutters in the greenhouse as usual to ensure the normal operation of electrical equipment.

Zhang Yuxia said: “The staff of the power supply company often help us check the wiring in the greenhouse, and we usually have any problems with electricity use. , they will come to help us in time.”

As the demand for electricity for spring ploughing increases, in order to ensure the safe use of electricity by farmers, the State Grid Kashgar Power Supply Company actively conducts electricity safety inspections, and checks the aging gates. Knives, sockets, and leakage protectors are repaired and inspected, and the common sense of electricity usage is popularized on the spot, reminding farmers of the dangers of unauthorized wiring and wiring, and guiding farmers to use electricity correctly, safely and scientifically.

Abdullah Abdukrim, an employee of the power supply station of the State Grid Kashgar Power Supply Company, said: “Many farmers lack the knowledge of safe electricity use. , switch blades, and sockets to replace and rectify, and tell them the dangers of unauthorized connection.”

As of now, State Grid Kashgar The power supply company dispatched a total of 56 Communist Party service teams, 364 people to ensure electricity, a total of 494 inspection lines, eliminating 393 hidden dangers, and guiding 671 agricultural irrigation and drainage, providing a more reliable power supply guarantee for spring ploughing.

Zhu Xinwei, head of the Marketing Department of State Grid Kashgar Power Supply Company, said: “For our power grid companies, ensuring spring ploughing is to ensure power supply. At work, the personnel of each power supply station went to the fields to actively understand the electricity demand for spring ploughing, and opened up green channels for spring ploughing electricity. At the same time, take the initiative to help the spring ploughing farmers to check the electrical equipment and unblock the last 100 meters of spring ploughing electricity.”

(Correspondent Malina Aizhaier)