Starch supplementation can reduce the risk of many cancers, about the same as eating two “raw” bananas, is it reliable?

“Boss, do you have any unripe bananas?”

“Are you here to make a mess?”

Aunt Chen recently saw an article on the Internet saying that unripe bananas can fight cancer, so she went to a few fruit stalls excitedly, but the shelves were full of yellow bananas. ripe. In desperation, Aunt Chen asked the boss, but she didn’t expect the boss to misunderstand, so she hurriedly explained it.

“I only heard that bananas can lower blood pressure before, but I never thought that green bananas can fight cancer.” After listening to Aunt Chen’s explanation, the boss also expressed that it was very novel. Some people buy green bananas, but they don’t dare to sell them. “I don’t dare to sell unripe bananas with diarrhea.”

“It’s okay, if there is a problem with eating, I won’t look for you. Experts say it’s a good thing.” Aunt Chen said with oath.

After receiving the assurance from Aunt Chen, the boss took out some green bananas from the warehouse and sold them to Aunt Chen. Unexpectedly, Auntie Chen went home and ate three bananas in one go. In the next two days, she felt pain in her stomach. She went to the hospital for examination and found that it was caused by indigestion after eating bananas.

I. New British study: Starch supplementation can reduce the risk of hereditary cancer

On July 25, the journal Cancer Prevention Research was published A paper jointly researched by experts from the University of Newcastle and the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom states that:A daily supplement of 30 grams of “resistant starch” (equivalent to eating two unripe bananas) can increase the Significantly reduces the risk of gastrointestinal cancers in people with Lynch syndrome.

Lynch syndrome (LS), also known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), is an autosomal dominant inheritance The disease has a 50% probability of being passed on to the next generation, and there is no significant difference in the genetic probability between males and females.

Patients with Lynch syndrome often have a variety of tumors, colorectal cancer and endometrial cancer are the most common manifestations . In addition, cancers can also develop in the ovaries, stomach, small intestine, hepatobiliary system, renal pelvis, ureters, brain, and skin.

And resistant starch, a dietary fiber commonly found in oats, beans and bananas, has anticancer properties in early studies on colon cancer cells.

In this study, researchers recruited 918 Lynch syndrome patients , 463 people were included in the experimental group, supplemented with 30 grams of resistant starch per day for more than two years; the other 455 people were included in the placebo group, consuming the same amount of corn starch. A placebo. The researchers analyzed cancer incidence data for all participants at years 2, 10, and 20.

The results showed thatthere was no significant difference in cancer incidence between the two groups during the first two years of the trial . However, combined data at final follow-up showed that 78 people in the resistant starch group developed cancer, compared with 96 people in the control group. Statistically, resistant starch significantly reduced the incidence of cancer.

In addition, there was no difference in the incidence of colon cancer between the two groups, but the resistant starch group (5 people) had the incidence of upper gastrointestinal cancers such as pancreatic cancer and gastric cancer The rate was significantly lower compared to the placebo group (17 people).

“Participants had a significantly lower risk of developing these cancers, and they also had an approximately 50 percent lower risk of developing other non-colorectal cancers,” said principal investigator Mathers.


Why resistant starch can prevent cancer? According to expert analysis, after highly resistant starch enters the intestine, it will not be fully digested in the small intestine, but fermented in the large intestine, supplying nutrients to beneficial intestinal bacteria, and reducing Alter the bacterial metabolism of bile acids, reducing the types of bile acids that can damage DNA and cause cancer, thereby reducing the likelihood of cancer.

This finding is of great significance for the prevention of upper gastrointestinal cancer in patients with Lynch syndrome. Experts also said that the supplementation of resistant starch may also be applicable to the general population, providing new ideas for the public to prevent cancer.

Second, one thing to say, can eating green bananas really fight cancer?

Resistant starch is a healthy substance. Although it is starch, it can not be absorbed by the small intestine, so it has a good effect on regulating blood sugar level and lipid metabolism. Moreover, when resistant starch enters the large intestine, it can also maintain the structure of beneficial microbial flora, and promote intestinal microorganisms to ferment metabolites that are beneficial to human health. The function is similar to dietary fiber and plays an important role in maintaining intestinal health.

Banana does contain resistant starch, and the more “raw” it is, the more. According to relevant statistics, the resistant starch content of immature green bananas is 20 times that of mature bananas.

So, does this mean that we can prevent cancer by eating lots of green bananas? the answer is negative.

In terms of human absorption, the degree of digestion of bananas depends on their ripeness. The rawer the bananas, the more difficult it is to digest. As bananas ripen, the starch is broken down into simple sugars that humans can better absorb.

In addition, in terms of taste, green bananas are definitely not as good as ripe bananas. This kind of unripe pulp will taste bitter and astringent, because it is not ripe. of bananas contain high amounts of tannic acid, which has strong tannic acidThe astringent effect may also aggravate constipation and affect the absorption of nutrients such as iron and calcium.

In terms of anti-cancer properties, Zhou Daihan, chief professor of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine said that food containing anti-cancer ingredients does not mean that it can fight cancer. According to research data, it is necessary to achieve a certain dose to achieve anti-cancer effects. And through the daily diet, it is difficult to achieve anti-cancer doses. However, if a single diet is used to break the nutritional balance, it is not conducive to health.

Third, some people say that eating bananas can lower blood pressure, is it true?

There are rumors that eating more bananas can help lower blood pressure, because bananas are rich in potassium and minerals, which help balance the salt in the human body, thereby preventing high blood pressure.

It is true that bananas contain potassium, but each banana contains only about 420 mg of potassium, and to achieve the purpose of lowering blood pressure, adults need to consume at least 4.7 grams per day The potassium, that is to say, if you want to lower blood pressure, you need to eat at least 11 bananas a day, which is obviously unrealistic.

Fourth, teach you how to choose a good banana

Can you pick a banana? Many novices choose bananas by checking whether there are black spots on the skin and whether the color is golden, but when they buy them back, they find that the bananas are not sweet at all. How on earth can you pick out naturally ripe bananas?

1. Look at the appearance

Look at the color first, generally the surface of ripe bananas will be pale Golden luster, but the external luster of some bananas may be turquoise, which does not mean that the quality is not good, because bananas require a process to ripen, and turquoise is just that the bananas are not fully ripe. But if the luster is too perfect, it may be artificially ripened.

Look at the skin again. A good banana skin should be undamaged, or have black spots, but not rotten.

Look at the stalk of the banana, the banana stalk part is generally blue-green in natural ripening, because this part is the slowest ripening.

2. Smell if there is any fruity aroma

Naturally ripe bananas, generally close to The fruity aroma will be smelled from a distance, and ripe bananas are not only difficult to smell the fruity aroma, but may also contain peculiar smells.

3. Touch the feel

A good banana feels thick and not hard If it is too hard, it means that it is not ripe yet, and it will become soft and rotten when you pinch it, that is, it is overcooked, and it will also affect the taste.

Summary: Bananas are not dominant in water, but their pulp Nutritional value and efficacy are also many. However, bananas are only fruits after all and cannot replace medicines. For patients, the best way to control is to follow doctor’s orders and take medicines on time. #HealthTrueKnowingPlan# # rumor zero zero plan#


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[3]Banana can indeed prevent high blood pressure, but you have to eat 11 per day [J].Oriental Health, 2020(04):5.

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