Spleen deficiency is more terrifying than kidney deficiency! Doctors suggest: eat more of 6 kinds of foods, those that strengthen the spleen and move the spleen!

There are two “heaven” from birth, one is the innate kidney, and the other is the acquired spleen. Many people think that the kidneys are extremely important, and they usually pay more attention to nourishing the kidneys. If you think so too, you are wrong. Dr. Liu believes that strengthening the spleen is often more important than nourishing the kidney. If there is a problem with the spleen and stomach, it will also affect the functions of various organs.

As the saying goes, spleen deficiency can lead to many diseases, and spleen deficiency will lead to the invasion of many diseases, and at the same time affect the yang qi of the human body, and yang qi determines people’s lifespan. Therefore, spleen deficiency will shorten your lifespan.

In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, how important is the spleen?

Physiological functions of zang-fu organs in traditional Chinese medicine believe that the biochemistry of qi, blood, and body fluids in the human body depends on the food, nutrition and subtle substances digested and absorbed by the spleen. Qi, blood and body fluids are the driving force for the human body to run. In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, there is a saying that if the spleen is strong, the qi and blood will be strong; if the spleen is weak, the appetite will be reduced, and the complexion will be pale and unpretentious. A person with spleen deficiency is equivalent to half of it.

If the spleen is deficient, what physical abnormalities will occur?

1. Deficiency of the spleen will lead to obesity

Deficiency of the spleen leads to abnormal transportation and transformation. The food we eat is not well digested, and the excess accumulates in the body, so that obesity is prone to occur. . In addition, spleen deficiency is easy to generate dampness, so most obese people have dampness in their bodies, which is caused by spleen deficiency.

2. Heavier tongue coating, bad breath and diarrhea

As I said just now, spleen deficiency will lead to dampness in the body, and if there is too much water in the body, then our tongue coating will become thicker Greasy, and the tongue is fat, but also the phenomenon of bad breath. Moisture intrusion often causes diarrhea and diarrhea.

3. Spleen deficiency grows spots

Spleen deficiency will not only lead to obesity, but also turn female friends into “yellow-faced women” . The spleen is the biochemical source of qi and blood. The abnormal transportation and transformation of spleen deficiency will directly lead to a lack of qi and blood in the human body, and people with insufficient qi and blood are prone to various spots, such as chloasma.

4. Cold hands and feet due to spleen deficiency

People with spleen deficiency often experience differences in body temperature. For example, the temperature of the hands and feet obviously cannot keep up, and the hands and feet often feel cold. This is all because the spleen is deficient, and the circulation of qi and blood is also affected, so the ability to resist cold will be relatively poor.

5. Heavy menstrual flow

The spleen controls the blood. If the spleen is deficient, the blood flow will be abnormal. Female friends will experience irregular menstruation, such as heavy menstrual flow.

6. Chronic illnesses

Spleen deficiency is the source of all diseases. Once a person has spleen deficiency, the body’s immune system The strength and resistance will be greatly reduced, which will make it more vulnerable to the invasion of disease and evil, and there will be a state of continuous minor illnesses and serious illnesses that are difficult to recover.

Faced with the problem of spleen deficiency, it is not enough for you to nourish the spleen alone. If you take tonics blindly, you will not be able to absorb the nutrients in it because the spleen and stomach are weak. Therefore, before nourishing the spleen, we should be more about mobilizing the spleen. , mobilize the functions of the spleen and stomach.

For spleen deficiency, we should strengthen the spleen and invigorate the spleen

In order to improve the spleen, you can eat more hawthorn, malt, grain sprouts, etc.< /p>

Hawthorn has the effect of digestion and invigorating the spleen. At the same time, it also has the effect of promoting qi, which can make the spleen and stomach work faster and help digest food.

Guya has the effect of promoting qi and digesting food. It can regulate qi, relieve the deficiency of the spleen and stomach in humans, and has a particularly good relieving effect on indigestion caused by disharmony between the spleen and stomach.

The effects of malt and grain sprouts are similar, but malt has strong digestion effect, and grain sprouts have better stomach-nourishing effects.

If you want to nourish the spleen, you can eat more yam, ginseng, astragalus, etc.

The nourishing spleen here is to nourish the spleen, and the spleen is full Just enough horsepower. Chinese yam has the effect of nourishing the spleen, nourishing the stomach, promoting body fluid and benefiting the lungs. At the same time, yam can also be taken as a staple food, but it should be noted that yam polysaccharide is not suitable for diabetic patients.

Ginseng has the effect of invigorating vitality, invigorating the spleen and benefiting the lungs.

Astragalus has the title of the king of invigorating Qi, it can enter the lung and spleen meridians. The spleen is the source of biochemical qi and blood, and a deficiency of the spleen means a weak spleen, and astragalus just has the effect of tonifying qi and raising yang, producing body fluid and nourishing blood. Eating more astragalus for spleen deficiency has a good relieving effect, but you must also grasp a certain amount, because astragalus is easy to get angry.
