Since March, the number of new crown diagnoses has increased by more than 200 consecutive days. Experts: Wear masks for outdoor activities

Health Times reporters found that since March, the number of new crown diagnoses has increased by more than 200 consecutive days, with a maximum of 588 new cases in a single day and a minimum of 214 cases, and the trend continues to rise.

Since March, the number of new crown diagnoses across the country has increased by more than 200 consecutive days/Mapping by Gao Ruirui

According to the information on the official website of the National Health Commission, As of 24:00 on March 11, according to reports from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there were 5,461 confirmed cases (including 6 severe cases), 103,431 cured and discharged cases, and 4,636 deaths. , a total of 113,528 confirmed cases have been reported, and there are 8 suspected cases.

A confirmed case in Xi’an was infected by a mouthful of sputum

Confirmed case B reported by Xi’an on March 10 was found in the hospital due to fever. Initial investigation showed that the case had no clear epidemiological history and was not on the existing transmission chain at that time. This is a dangerous signal. Has there been community transmission in Xi’an? Disease control and public security departments at all levels carried out traceability investigations overnight, and finally found out through whole gene sequencing, location mapping, trajectory cross-comparison, and video surveillance.

The original case B had a brief time-space intersection with confirmed case A in an outdoor public place on March 6. The scene at that time was that Case A spit out a mouthful of phlegm and left quickly when passing Case B at close range, and Case B was not wearing a mask at that time. Case A was diagnosed on March 8, and was in the detoxification period on March 6. During the process of coughing, spitting, or sneezing, the droplets sprayed from the body may be large or small, and large droplets will It sinks directly to the ground, and some small particles of droplets will be suspended in the air to form aerosols, which can be spread by others who inhale the aerosols. At this time, Case B did not wear a mask and was infected like this.

Experts: Early detection, early diagnosis, early isolation, and masks for outdoor activities

A confirmed case in Xi’an was infected by a mouthful of sputum, Jiangsu Province Li Jun, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the People’s Hospital, analyzed to the Health Times reporter that sputum is a secretion from the human respiratory tract, which usually contains mucus, foreign bodies, pathogenic microorganisms, inflammatory cells, and necrotic mucosal epithelial cells. People who have been infected with the new coronavirus will also have the new coronavirus in their sputum. Virus-containing droplets produced by coughing and phlegm can cause virus transmission and new infections.

Zhang Yi, a disease control expert from the Shaanxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that Omicron is very contagious. There have been cases in Xi’an who were infected because they did not wear masks when walking outdoors. It is recommended that citizens strengthen personal protective measures , Wear a mask when outdoors.

Li Jun told the Health Times reporter that it has been found that there are Omicron variant virus strains in many infected patients, and Omicron variant infected patients may have mild symptoms and lack of specificity. Timely treatment is clear, but the mutant strain is very contagious, and it is easy to cause the hidden spread of the virus in the population, resulting in a rapid increase in the number of infected people. Therefore, it is recommended that citizens with sore throat, cold and other respiratory symptoms should go to the hospital for screening in time, early detection, early diagnosis, early isolation, and precise prevention and control.

As one of the physical barriers, masks can not only prevent the spread of pathogens from virus carriers, but also reduce the risk of inhaling pathogens. Masks are an important personal protection measure. Therefore, we appeal to the public that the current epidemic of the new coronavirus Omicron strain is very contagious. Even outdoors, absolute safety cannot be guaranteed, and masks should be worn. You should also be careful not to spit anywhere. If you cough up sputum, it is best to wrap the sputum in a tissue or a handkerchief, throw it into the trash can, or take it with you and wash it afterwards. When coughing and sneezing, lower your head appropriately to avoid others, and cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue.

Source: People’s Daily Health Client

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