Should we popularize sex education? What sex knowledge should women know?

Sex education has always been one of the topics of social concern. At present, my country is constantly promoting sex education in schools.

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But in this regard, many parents feel that it is difficult to talk about children’s sex education, and they think: “Is it too much to let children know about sex? Too early? When they grow up, they will understand!”

But in fact, mastering comprehensive sexuality Knowledge will also provide certain help for children’s future life and health. In order to better protect ourselves, as women, we should understand these sexual knowledge as soon as possible:

1. Sexuality Don’t Live Too Early

Adolescent women are in the stage of growth and development, when Women’s reproductive organs are still developing, and during sexual intercourse, it may cause severe tearing of the hymen and vaginal laceration, resulting in heavy bleeding. At this stage, women’s own defense function is poor, and it is easy to cause infection of the urethra, vulva and vagina, and induce gynecology. inflammation.

At the same time the chance of HPV infection may also increase, which may induce cervical Cancer and other gynecological diseases.

width=”strong”span26/640″ Use contraceptive measures

If young women have no reproductive needs, they should try to ask men to take contraceptive measures, rather than hope all Relying on the contraceptive pill, the current contraceptive pill on the market does play a certain role in contraception, but if women take the contraceptive pill for a long time, it may also have certain side effects on the body. In mild cases, symptoms such as temporary nausea and vomiting may occur. Affect the body endocrine, induce a series of gynecological diseases. In addition, if men do not take contraceptive measures, women may also be infected by bacteria from men during sexual intercourse, suffering from gynecological inflammation, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.

3. Clean up before and after sex Both men and women should ensure that their reproductive organs are clean before having sex to prevent mutual infection of diseases. Use warm water when washing private parts, and try to avoid using cold water. Special towels and wash basins are required. Both men and women should clean their private parts in time after sex, remove semen and glandular secretions adhering to the vulva, and keep the external genitalia clean and dry.

Actually, we don’t need to “talk about sex change”, and sex life is not difficult to tell stage to face, and wrong sexual knowledge can cause our bodies to be harmed. Therefore, I hope everyone can have a correct view of sex life and popularize scientific knowledge of sex.

Note: This article is a health science popularization article, and the articles related to drugs, technologies, products, etc. are only needed for expression. There is no treatment recommendation, please go to a regular hospital for professional examination and treatment for specific treatment methods.

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