Shexian Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine launched a free clinic activity of “Walking all the way, accompanied by breasts and nails”

[Source: Handan Health Commission_County and District Information]

ForProtect female breast and thyroid health , to enhance women’s awareness of the prevention and health care of the diseases of the two glands and reduce their incidence. /span>Piandian Township Government launched the free clinic activity of “Walking with Breast Arms along the Way”. The activity is carried out in the form of PPT, focusing on breast and thyroid health knowledge popularization, disease screening, health consultation and other projects, and for the massesPerformeddoingfree blood pressure, blood sugar measurement, color ultrasound screening for breast, thyroid etc check. At present,breast and thyroid diseases have become common and frequently-occurring diseases in women, seriously threatening the physical and mental health of women, especially thyroid cancer , The incidence of breast cancer has increased in recent years, and there is a younger trend. The prognosis of patients with thyroid cancer and breast cancer directly depends on the stage of the disease at the time of initiation of treatment. Early detection, early treatment and active rehabilitation are important links to improve the quality of life of patients and reduce the mortality of thyroid cancer and breast cancer.

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