Science and technology commissioner guides organic asparagus seedling management

Asparagus is a perennial vegetable of the Liliaceae family, also known as Shidiao cypress and Asparagus, byThe title of “King of Vegetables“. AsparagusTake the tender stem as the edible part, with fine texture, crispness, fragrant flavor, less fiber and tight top; with good nutritive value< /span>and high health care function, rich in vitaminsA B, as well as trace elements such as folic acid, selenium, iron, manganese, zinc, etc. Regulates body metabolism, enhances immunity, and has strong inhibitory and pharmacological effects in the prevention and treatment of hypertension and heart disease.At the same time, it is alsoanticancer drug< /span>, health careproductsproductsthemainProcessingIngredients.

Zhengyuan CountyMost mountainous and high altitude, forming a characteristic microclimate environment, it is very suitable for the production of high-quality asparagus. Since 2018, asparagus has been introduced and tested successfully. With the improvement of people’s living standards and the enhancement of brand awareness, the demand for high-quality agricultural products is also increasing, and the proportion of green and organic agricultural products in supermarkets is also increasing. 4month14-15On the day, Tang Xuejun, Yu Qinzhi, Pan Rong, Li Linchao, the Science and Technology Commissioners of the Municipal Economic Work Station, and Yang Xiongsheng, Liu Yikun, Liu Bencai, the Science and Technology Commissioners of the Resources County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, and other city and county levels jointly I went to Jinshan Village Committee of Ziyuan Town, Ziyuan County to give technical guidance on the production of asparagus. At present, asparagus is in the seedling stage. In order to cultivate robust seedlings, the management of water and fertilizer in the seedling stage is very important. In order to ensure the quality of organic products, it is recommended to use fully decomposed cow dung or sheep dung; for the low temperature in the early spring, it is recommended to use paddy to cover the border surface to increase the soil surface temperature, which is conducive to the early emergence of asparagus seedlings , to grow strong seedlings; it is recommended to use physical and biological pesticides and other measures for pest control; in order to improve land utilization and increase economic benefits, interplanting peanuts and other dwarf crops can be used. The service was welcomed by the head of the base.