Sangzhi County Girls’ Rights Protection “Hundreds of Propaganda Three-Year Actions” activity entered Wudao Water Town

Sangzhi Fusion Media, April 15 (Reporter Zhu Wanlin) On April 14, the County Women’s Federation, the County Education Bureau, the County Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Family Education Society and other units went to Wudaoshui Town to carry out the “Hundred Fields” for the protection of girls’ rights and interests “Three Years of Action” campaign.

In Wudaoshui School and Bamaoxi Primary School, the staff guided students to understand the importance of privacy protection through questions and interactive games; and held lectures on family education knowledge to share and exchange family education experiences and practices .

Subsequently, the staff distributed anti-fraud brochures, “Minors Protection Law” and other promotional materials to the students, and gave them a publicity class on the Eighth Five-Year Law in easy-to-understand language.

“To educate children correctly, we must communicate more with teachers.” After listening to the lecture, Xue Yan, the parents of the students, benefited a lot.

The County Women’s Federation took advantage of its work to promote the “Three-Year Action of One Hundred Lectures” on the protection of girls’ rights and interests in our county to protect the rights and interests of minors. Up to now, 30 public welfare lectures on the protection of girls’ sexual safety education rights and interests have been carried out, and 10 activities of the 8th Five-Year Law Popularization into the campus have been carried out.

“We must actively popularize the party’s policies and legal knowledge, so that women’s education level will be higher and higher, and the style of women in the new era will be fuller and more passionate.” County Women’s Federation Party Secretary and Chairman Chen Xiaoyan express.

[Source: Sangzhi County Natural Resources Bureau_Department News]

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