Rice, steamed bread, noodles, which one raises blood sugar the fastest? What are the precautions for sugar lovers to choose staple food?

Rice, steamed buns and noodles are common staples that provide the body with the energy it needs to keep various organs functioning properly. However, these staple foods are prohibitive for diabetic patients, and they are careful when eating, for fear that postprandial blood sugar will suddenly rise, which will lead to a series of complications. It is true that diabetic patients are very critical in choosing staple food, which is directly related to blood sugar control. Which rice, noodles or steamed bread will raise blood sugar faster.

Which one raises blood sugar faster, rice, steamed bread or noodles?

Glycemic index is used to measure the effect of sugar on blood sugar, food is digested quickly and absorbed rapidly after entering the gastrointestinal tract , the glucose release rate is also faster, so the blood sugar will rise; the food with low glycemic index is digested slowly, the residence time in the gastrointestinal tract is relatively long, the glucose release rate is slow, the blood sugar peak is low, and the blood sugar rise rate is slow. Foods with a glycemic index below 55 are called low glycemic index, 55-70 are called medium glycemic index, and foods with a glycemic index greater than 70 are called high glycemic index. The glycemic index of steamed bread, rice and noodles are 88.1, 83.2 and 81.6 respectively. In fact, there is not much difference between the three, but steamed bread is slightly higher, and all three are high glycemic index foods.

How do diabetics choose staple food?

1. Eat less or no refined staples

Refined staple foods such as refined white rice noodles have a relatively high glycemic index and have a great impact on blood sugar, so you should eat less or no refined staple foods.

2. A reasonable combination of staple food

can mix yam Lotus root, pumpkin, corn or potatoes are used as staple foods, because they contain a lot of dietary fiber, which can give people a certain sense of satiety, and the glycemic index is low, helping to stabilize blood sugar. It is worth reminding that potatoes, miscellaneous grains and miscellaneous beans cannot completely replace the staple food, because the nutrition of these foods is relatively simple, which can easily lead to malnutrition. Sugar lovers can also choose some staple food substitute products, such as the well-received sugar-controlling nutritious staple food currently on the market.

3. Master the correct cooking method

The glycemic index value of food will be affected by the cooking method and food combination. Generally, the longer the cooking time, the easier it is to digest, and the higher the glycemic index. The drier, harder, and less refined the food, the slower the blood sugar builds. In addition, it is necessary to master the order of eating. When eating, you can eat green leafy vegetables first, then meat, and finally eat the staple food, which can control the blood sugar level after meals. Because leafy vegetables and meat contain almost no sugar, the glycemic index values ​​are relatively low.

4. Eat slowly

When eating, you should concentrate on eating, chew at least 20~30 times per mouthful of food, and prolong the time of eating, which can slow down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the body, and also enhance the feeling of fullness and avoid postprandial blood sugar fluctuations. In addition, the speed of food’s blood sugar rise is also easily affected by temperature, so you can’t eat it while it’s hot. Try to keep the staple food and dishes cool before eating.

In short, diabetics need to know that if they want to keep their blood sugar stable, they must pay attention to their daily diet, especially their daily diet. If you think that you are taking medicine, you don’t need to pay attention to your diet. Let yourself eat enough. If you do this for a long time, your blood sugar will not be controlled, and it will cause a series of organ damage and other problems.