Research directions in catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation: white paper

Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) has seen great progress recently. Multiple randomized studies have demonstrated that catheter ablation of AF reduces the risk of AF recurrence and improves quality of life. Some studies have shown that AF ablation reduces cardiovascular hospitalization rates. This white paper from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute identifies key research directions for catheter ablation of AF.

The priority research direction of emerging technologies for catheter ablation of AF is shown in the figure below,

How cardiac structure and function affect the outcome of AF ablation is shown below,

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The subgroup with less benefit from AF ablation is shown below,

Promote the clinical research platform of AF ablation as shown in the figure below,

Planned sham ablation as a comparison consideration is shown in the figure below, < /strong>

< /div>

Circulation. 2020;141:482–492.