Reminder for those who love to drink: Once there are 5 symptoms, it may be pancreatitis, and seek medical attention in time

Last night, Uncle Ninth had a dinner date with a friend, and saw that he had lost a lot of weight and looked like he was just recovering from a serious illness. I asked what happened, he looked helpless, and told the process of his illness.

After the Spring Festival, he returned to Guangzhou to resume work and drank nearly 1 catty of white wine at a dinner party with several colleagues. After returning home, he felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach, but he didn’t pay much attention to it. Until the middle of the night, he had severe abdominal pain and rolled on the bed. Later, he dialed 120 and was sent to a nearby hospital.

After the examination, he was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, with a high degree of pancreatic necrosis and severe systemic complications. The condition was very dangerous and he could only be transferred to the ICU. In the ICU, his abdomen was bulging and he was on a ventilator for breathing and hemodialysis.

Fortunately, after timely rescue, the friend was finally out of danger, and the condition improved and was discharged from the hospital.

This experience made him quit drinking completely, and even in retrospect, he still has lingering fears. And Jiu Shu wants to tell everyone that if you are a person who likes to drink, then you must understand the symptoms of pancreatic cancer.

1. Pancreatitis caused by “drinking”

The pancreas is located in the upper abdomen, behind the stomach, adjacent to the liver, gallbladder, spleen and other organs , with both internal and external secretion functions. Therefore, although pancreatitis occurs in the pancreas, its impact on the body is multifaceted and should be paid attention to.

Pancreatitis is mainly related to factors such as infection, diet, surgery, trauma, hyperlipidemia, and pancreatic blood circulation disorder. Clinically, about 80% of pancreatitis is caused by gallstones, roundworms, and biliary tract infection. In addition, bad eating habits, such as alcoholism and overeating, are also high-risk factors for pancreatitis. Diseases such as hyperlipidemia and pancreatic blood circulation disorder may also destroy the normal protective mechanism of the pancreas, leading to pancreatitis.

Second, pancreatitis is terrible, beware of 5 symptoms

Don’t think that pancreatitis is just abdominal pain , especially for people who like to drink alcohol, heavy drinking can increase the risk of severe pancreatitis, which is life-threatening. 70%-80% of severe pancreatitis is related to alcoholism, overeating, biliary tract disease, and the mortality rate is very high, about 10%-15%.

When severe pancreatitis occurs, pancreatic enzymes are activated, pancreatic tissue is decomposed and digested, the glands will be edema, necrotic, release necrotic toxins, damage cardiopulmonary function, and even lead to death . Therefore, when pancreatitis occurs, be alert to the following 5 symptoms.

1. Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain is one of the typical symptoms of pancreatitis, and the pain is concentrated in the Left upper abdomen, which can radiate to the left scapula and lower back in severe cases, causing full abdominal pain. Abdominal pain lasted for a long time and was closely related to body position. The pain was aggravated when lying down, and the pain was relieved by the flexion position. It is easy to be mistaken for stomach pain, but the pain cannot be relieved after taking stomach medicine.

2. Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are also common symptoms of pancreatitis. Nausea starts in the morning and lasts all day, with frequent vomiting , spit out food and even bile, accompanied by symptoms such as loss of appetite and abdominal distension.

3. Fever and sweating

Most patients with pancreatitis will continue to have fever for 3-5 days, accompanied by increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and diarrhea. Symptoms such as increased sweating. Sweating is obvious when you sleep at night, which will have a certain impact on sleep.

4. Fatigue

After the pancreas is damaged, the body does not have enough insulin to control blood sugar levels, resulting in the inability of glucose to produce enough energy, resulting in hyperglycemia And low energy, so that the body fatigue.

5. Weight loss

No intentional control of food intake, no fat loss exercise, but significant weight loss for unknown reasons in a short period of time , accompanied by loss of appetite, abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms.

Three, 3 kinds of food make the pancreas overwhelmed, try to stay away

Away from pancreatitis, we must pay attention to diet, the following 3 kinds of food should be avoided as much as possible, In order to protect the pancreas, reduce the burden on the pancreas.

The first is fried food and high-fat food, such as hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, fried wings, etc., due to the high fat content, it is not easy to digest, and it is easy to increase the burden on the pancreas , leading to pancreatitis.

Next is wine. Heavy drinking can stimulate pancreatic secretion or sphincter spasm, trigger pancreatitis, and increase triglyceride levels, a major risk factor for pancreatitis.

Lastly refined carbs, mainly processed sugars and refined grains. The common processed sugars are flavored sugar and syrup, and the common refined grains are white flour, white rice, etc. Refined carbohydrates lose the nutrients originally contained in the food, causing the pancreas to release large amounts of insulin, causing pancreatitis.

With the increase of life pressure and the accelerated pace of life, more and more people begin to work and rest, eat irregularly, and the incidence of pancreatitis gradually increases.

Pancreatitis is a multiple disease. Once it occurs, it will deal a heavy blow to the organs and tissues around the pancreas. To protect the pancreas and prevent pancreatitis, we must develop a healthy lifestyle. Light taste, limiting the intake of high-fat foods, quitting alcohol, drinking less carbonated beverages, and adhering to moderate exercise are all methods worth learning.


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