Recurrent rhinitis troubles many people, try these 5 methods, or it can be effectively relieved

Rhinitis refers to a inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by contact with allergens, and infection with viruses or bacteria.

Once suffering from rhinitis, patients will experience repeated continuous sneezing, runny nose and dry itching in the nasal cavity, nasal congestion, and foreign body sensation in the throat A series of uncomfortable symptoms have a great impact on the life and health of patients.

So many people want to know what to do after the onset of rhinitis, in order to effectively relieve a series of uncomfortable symptoms.

How to quickly relieve a rhinitis attack?

I. Taking medicines for symptoms

The reasons for rhinitis vary, some patients are caused by allergies, while others are caused by infections. caused by viruses or bacteria.

Then after suffering from rhinitis, according to the cause of the disease, under the guidance of a doctor, you should take some medicines for treatment.

If it is caused by allergies, appropriate antihistamines should be taken for treatment, such as loratadine or cetirizine azine.

If severe nasal congestion occurs, you can take some oxymetazoline, which can effectively relieve nasal congestion > Phenomenon.

Second, Intranasal irrigation

In After suffering from rhinitis, the patient will have very obvious symptoms such as nasal congestion, dry itching in the nasal cavity, etc., and can use some nasal cavity rinses to rinse the nasal cavity appropriately.

Patients can use saline to clean the nasal cavity, which can reduce inflammation.

If the congestion and edema in the nasal cavity is serious, some hormonal nasal sprays, such as fluticasone propionate, can be used appropriately. /strong>.

These drugs can directly act on the nasal mucosa to eliminate inflammation of the nasal mucosa, and can also promote the damaged ciliated epithelium to >Fix.

Third, massage and heat the nose

Especially for children, once suffering from nasal inflammation, there will be a series of uncomfortable symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, dry and itchy nasal passages, then you can take massage and hot compresses on the nose Partial methods of mitigation.

Take a small piece of towel or cotton, soak it in hot water, wring it out a bit and apply it to the nose, paying attention to Do not burn your skin.

A massage on the nose area after several warm compresses can quickly relieve a range of uncomfortable symptoms.

Fourth, adjust the diet structure

For For people suffering from rhinitis, be sure not to eat any allergic foods, such as some seafood and spicy and irritating foods.

These foods can easily cause severe allergic reactions that can worsen rhinitis.

You should eat more plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables and beans, whole grains. These foods can increase metabolic rate and help reduce inflammation.

V. Add more warm water

During the onset of rhinitis and the recovery period, be sure to add more boiled water, which can promote the rapid excretion of some bacteria and allergens, and is also conducive to the subsidence of inflammation.

After suffering from rhinitis, many patients will experience discomfort in the throat, such as dry and itchy throat, foreign body sensation in the throat, or nausea when getting up in the morning and other phenomena, appropriate supplementation of some water can effectively improve these symptoms.

In addition to plain water, if you are not allergic to lemon and honey, you can drink some lemon honey water. It can supplement the body with more vitamin B and vitamin C to help eliminate inflammation.

All in all, after suffering from rhinitis, we must give corresponding treatment and conditioning. In addition to the above 5 points, patients should also pay attention to the improvement of indoor environment, and no allergens should appear in the room.

Also open windows for ventilation every day to allow fresh air to flow indoors. Wear a mask when going out to avoid exposure to some harmful particles in the air, which may aggravate the symptoms of rhinitis.