Reasons for onychomycosis Avoid these factors to keep you away from onychomycosis

women should not be unfamiliar with motherwort, a traditional Chinese medicine. It is a Chinese herbal medicine that is beneficial to women. It is always used to treat gynecological diseases clinically. Do you know the benefits of motherwort? There are many ways of motherwort. Different practices have different effects. Most drugs are contraindicated. What are the contraindications of Motherwort?

Benefits of Motherwort

1. The effect of promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, women will have irregular menstruation, mainly symptoms of blood stasis. At this time, taking motherwort can improve blood circulation, and motherwort can also improve irregular menstruation and other diseases. .

2. Exciting the uterus: Some pharmacological studies have shown that motherwort has a certain stimulating effect on the uterus, it can make the uterus contract, so female friends are sitting During the confinement period, motherwort can be taken properly, it can restore women to a healthy state after giving birth and promote the health of the uterus.

3. Diuretic effect: In addition to the role of motherwort in regulating blood circulation, it also has a certain diuretic effect. Studies have shown that the substances in motherwort can improve renal blood flow very well. This can increase the excretion of urea nitrogen, so proper use of motherwort has a diuretic effect.

4. Beauty effect: The beauty effect of Motherwort is due to its blood-activating effect. In addition, the trace elements such as selenium and manganese in Motherwort also have certain beauty and beauty effects.

The practice of Motherwort

Motherwort Omelette

1. Wash the motherwort and pick out the weeds or old roots; chop it for later use;

2. Beat three eggs and mix with the motherwort, add a little oil and salt, or season with chicken powder ;

3, of course, it is necessary to fry it in a frying pan, then it will be fine.

Motherwort and Jujube Egg Soup

1. Rinse jujube and motherwort, soak in water for 15 minutes, put eggs in cold water, boil for 5 minutes Minutes to remove the eggs and shell;