Rain produces a hundred grains, and all things grow? Grain rain is approaching, the humidity is heavy, do 4 things to help dehumidify the body

As the saying goes: Rain gives birth to a hundred grains, and all things spring to life.

Today, Grain Rain arrives.

As the last solar term of spring, the arrival of Grain Rain also means that late spring is coming to an end, early summer is coming, the cold wave weather has basically ended, and the temperature has also accelerated.

“Qingming breaks snow, grain rain breaks frost”, grain rain is coming , the temperature in various places has gradually begun to rise, the rainfall has also begun to increase, the air humidity has increased, and the weather has also been unpredictable.

Especially in the southern region, continuous rainfall can easily lead to “dampness” invading and hurting the body. At this time, people often have symptoms of swollen body, sticky stool, fatigue and weakness. Will increase the possibility of gout, arthritis disease.

Damp friends, how to dehumidify your body during the Grain Rain solar term? “?

First, do more exercise

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes: Nourishing Yang in spring and summer, nourishing Yin in autumn and winter.

For people with heavy body moisture, if they don’t like to move for a long time, the more moisture will accumulate, and it will even attack the spleen and cause various diseases over time.

Therefore, if you still feel tired when you do not do much physical work, you should consider whether it is too much moisture.

Therefore, you need to choose a suitable exercise program based on your own system. On the one hand, it can promote blood circulation. Circulation and metabolism, especially during perspiration, also accelerate the excretion of moisture.

On the other hand, it can open up the mind, improve the heart and lungs, reduce the occurrence of diseases, and achieve a balance between the body and the outside world.

Of course, for those who exercise less, do not do excessively intense exercise at the beginning, and do it gradually. It is recommended to choose yoga, Tai Chi, running and other methods to help activate the blood circulation. , to speed up water metabolism.

Second, keep away from humid environment

There is a lot of rain in Grain Rain, not only the living environment is humid, but also the clothes are easy to get wet when going out.

In this case, if you want to remove moisture, you should first replace the wet clothes, and put several dehumidification bags in the wardrobe to help absorb the moisture on the clothes.

In addition, avoid sitting directly on the floor, especially at night, when the moisture in the air gradually decreases, and the floor moisture is more serious, which makes it easier for moisture to invade the body.

It is recommended to have more ventilation and use a dehumidifier to dehumidify if possible to reduce the moisture in the air.

Third, eat more food to remove dampness

< p>Because the human body has a lot of humidity and heat, it is easy to get angry. Therefore, in the process of health preservation, we need to pay attention to removing dampness and preventing the invasion of heat pathogens. Therefore, you can eat more foods that spleen and dampness , such as Toona sinensis, barley, black beans, crucian carp, etc.

There are many foods in daily life that have the effect of dispelling dampness, such as Chixiaodou and barley. It is recommended to combine the two to flush water or boil porridge. But I want to remind everyone that because barley is sweet and cold, it needs to be cooked in advance to achieve better results.

In addition, in order to prevent the aggravation of moisture, it is necessary to stay away from greasy and cold food, otherwise it will easily affect the operation of the spleen and stomach and hinder the transportation and transformation of water and dampness.

Fourth, allergy prevention

Spring Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, and cherry blossoms, apricot blossoms, peach blossoms, pear blossoms, etc. are competing for beauty. At the same time, it is also conducive to the spread of pollen, which increases a lot of troubles for allergic people.

Therefore, in response to this phenomenon, allergy sufferers need to take relevant protective measures when going out, such as wearing sun hats, goggles, masks, umbrellas, etc., to reduce the chance of being exposed to pollen environment .

On the other hand, antihistamine drugs, or anti-allergic traditional Chinese medicine, acupoint sticking, acupuncture and other treatment methods are needed to effectively relieve clinical symptoms.

In addition to the above, friends who have the conditions can also consider taking a sauna. Sauna can accelerate blood circulation, which is conducive to the discharge of cold and dampness in the body.

It needs to be reminded that if you are weak or suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it is best not to use the sauna, otherwise it will increase the burden on the body. Men who are in the stage of pregnancy should also avoid saunas, because High temperature can easily reduce the quality of sperm.

Late spring will bring summer, and summer is about to kick off

Grain rain is also the last smile of spring. Come.

Rain gives birth to a hundred grains, all things grow, how many springs can life have?

After the Grain Rain, the next solar term is the beginning of summer.