Pulmonary function rehabilitation training

Source: Rehab

Zhujiang span>

Author: Brain Sprout Club

The lungs are the windows of the human body;


Cardiopulmonary function is the basis of human metabolism and an indispensable and important function to maintain human life. The lung has various functions, such as respiratory function, endocrine function, and metabolic function. The function of respiration is to carry out gas exchange, take in oxygen from the external environment, and expel carbon dioxide.

Normal adult male lung capacity is about 3500 ml and female is about 2500 ml. After the age of 30, the lung capacity begins to decrease, decreasing by 9% to 27% every 10 years. %.

It is very necessary to improve lung function and maintain the lungs.

01Significance of low lung function

1, shortness of breath

2, fast and shallow breathing


4. Fatigue is easy to occur during exercise

5. Not enough phlegm

02How to judge low lung function

Pulmonary function decline grade

Grade 0: The ability of daily living is the same as that of normal people.

Level 1: General labor is more prone to shortness of breath than normal people.

Level 2: Shortness of breath when climbing stairs and uphill.

Level 3: Shortness of breath when walking slowly within 100 meters.

Level 4: Shortness of breath with slight movements such as speaking or dressing.

Level 5: Shortness of breath when quiet, unable to lie down.


1. Simple Test: How long to pronounce “ah” sound


2. Professional pulmonary function test

03Consequences of low lung function

Hypoxia caused by low pulmonary function can easily induce a variety of chronic diseases:

1. The effect on cardiovascular “it is easy to aggravate hypertension and induce myocardial A series of diseases such as infarction and cerebral thrombosis;

2. Effects on the nervous system: hypoxia will directly affect the human nervous system and even damage the brain tissue;

3. Damage to tissues and cells: The energy metabolism of the whole tissue and cells will be impaired, the immunity will decrease, and cell degeneration will occur. Chronic diseases such as renal insufficiency and diabetes may occur.< /p>

=””>4Treatment principles

Pulmonary rehabilitation should be guided by the patient’s pulmonary function problems, and targeted treatment should be carried out.

05Commonly used pulmonary rehabilitation techniques

Mainly include thoracic loosening techniques, breathing training, effective coughing and manual percussion for expectoration. Let’s introduce them one by one:

NO.1 Thoracic Loosening Technique

1. Mobilization

  • patient Sit, bend sideways toward the tight side and exhale.

  • push the fisted hand to tighten the side chest wall.

  • Then raise the upper body on the tight side of the chest, over the shoulder, and bend to the other side while breathing in. Apply additional stretch to the tight side tissue.

3 to 5 times, rest for a while before training, and passively loosen several times a day. The tight side chest wall and upper extremity are raised over the shoulder and laterally flexed with the assistance of the therapist.

2, upper chest relaxation and chest muscle stretch >

  • patient Sit with your hands clasped behind your head.

  • Inhale deeply chest up and arm horizontal abduction;

  • As you exhale, bring your hands and elbows together, lower your head and lower your chest, and bend your body forward.

3. Looseness of upper chest and shoulder joints

  • Patient in a chair or standing position

  • Inhale with your upper body straight, arms raised, palms facing forward and over your head;

  • Inhale span>

  • As you exhale bend over and flex your hips while reaching down with both hands to touch the ground, or as far as possible.< /p>

repeated 5 to 10 times, Multiple times a day.

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(click the video tutorial below)

< /p>

NO.2 Breathing Training

1. Abdominal breathing training:

    Patient sitting with hands on upper abdomen.

  • Have the patient noseslowlyInhale deeply, the abdomen slowly bulges, and the shoulders and chest remain calm.

  • Exhale with mouthexhale< /strong>, slowly expel the air from the body.

Repeat 3-4 times, multiple times a day.

Repetitive practice increases diaphragm activity.

(abdominal breathing video tutorial)

2. Partial breathing training


  • Patient sitting or supine with knees bent. The therapist places the hands on the side of the patient’s lower rib cage.

  • Allow the patient to exhale while feeling the ribs moving down and inward.

  • Allow the patient to exhale while the therapist presses down on the rib cage.

  • Just before inhaling, quickly stretch the thorax down and inward

    to induce contraction of the external intercostal muscles.

    NO.3 Effective Cough span>

    < class


  • Sit the patient and inhale deeply to achieve the necessary Inspiratory capacity.

  • After inhaling, close the glottis for a short breath hold< /span> to maximize gas distribution in the lungs.

  • Abs contract, forward, Have a forceful cough.

  • A hard cough creates a high-velocity airflow out of the lungs.

    Such high-speed airflow moves secretions, < /strong>

    to expel mucus from the body.

    NO.4 Manual percussion expectoration

    • Therapist’s hand holds a cup , using wrist force to tap the patient’s chest wall in a rhythmic (the site to be drained).

    • Tapping lasts for several minutes, typically 100-200 times per minute.

    • Percussion expectoration is achieved by tapping on the back strong>, through the mechanical principle of percussion, it promotes the loosening of secretions attached to the trachea, bronchi, and lungs to facilitate their expulsion.

    height 300″ layout=”responsive” sizes=”(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw” src=”https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/M6RfXApAEA6cXpoSWcw2u01IeooLpC37AAMD24eDTycMtBrYrLbHzobPdQwRStLJS6WXkwtmpLVUV1eia9smTimgQ/640″>width=”60″

    (manual percussion and expectoration video tutorial)

    The above rehabilitation treatment methods are suitable for stroke patients, and for patients with relatively mild symptoms of low lung function, we generally recommend strengthening cardiopulmonary function through self-training.

    06Common pulmonary function training methods

    1. Abdominal breathing, mainly exercising the diaphragm

    When inhaling, move outward as far as possible Expand the abdomen and keep the chest still; when exhaling, contract the abdomen to the maximum and keep the chest still; the ratio of inhalation and exhalation is 1:2 or 1:3.


    It can prevent the narrowing of the small airway during exhalation, which is beneficial to the exhalation of air in the lungs; žWhen inhaling, inhale through the nose; when exhaling, pursing your lips and closing lightly, exhale slowly and gently.

    3, breathing gymnastics /span>

    It is beneficial to expand the chest and increase lung capacity; žhands hang down naturally; when inhaling, raise your hands forward and over your head; when exhaling, slowly lower your hands.

    Step 1 Relax and Breathe

    < p>

    Choose a comfortable and supportive position, lean forward, support your hands evenly on your knees, look to your toes, relax your shoulders and upper chest, and breathe calmly.

    Place one hand in front of the chest and the other under the xiphoid process and abdomen when breathing Even undulations.

    Step 2 /span>


    p>Step 3 Upper body exercise combined with breathing

    The upper limbs are lowered when exhaling;

    The movement of the thorax and the air intake are increased through the movement of the upper limbs.

    Step 4 Butterfly Breathing

    As you inhale, hold your waist up and open your hands out.

    Bend over as you exhale, bringing your hands together.

    4. Climbing the stairs

    Simple and easy to implement and effective. žPay attention to the coordination of breathing, inhale when raising your legs, and exhale when you forcefully climb the steps.

    5, three-ball breathing trainer /p>

    • Hold the mouthpiece to inhale, keep the float up with a deep and even inhalation flow state and maintain it for as long as possible.

    • Remove the breathing trainer to exhale, repeat the breathing training continuously, after 10-15 minutes, rest with normal breathing p>


    • Blow candles, whistle, and blow balloons

    • Put sandbags on belly when lying down< /span>