Protect blood vessels and lower blood lipids, it’s time to eat it in summer!

Summer, eat eggplant!


clearing heat

eggplant is a vegetable with a cold and cool nature, which has a good effect of clearing away heat and relieving summer heat , can relieve heat from the inside out, people suffering from hemorrhoids, damp-heat jaundice often eat eggplant, which can play a role in adjuvant therapy.


Cardiovascular protection

Eggplant is rich in vitamin P, which can enhance the elasticity of capillaries and has Help to prevent cardiovascular disease and slow down the occurrence of diabetic vascular disease.


Clear blood lipids

The saponins contained in eggplant have the effect of lowering cholesterol and clearing blood lipids in the body.


Bright Eyes

The anthocyanins in eggplant can promote the regeneration of rhodopsin in the retina, while visual Violet is the key substance to ensure normal vision. It can also improve visual acuity and relieve eye fatigue.


Protect the stomach and promote digestion

The content of dietary fiber in eggplant is very high, which helps to promote gastrointestinal motility after eating , Prevent indigestion, have the effect of preventing and treating stomach diseases, nourishing the stomach and protecting the stomach.

the best way to eat eggplant

the healthiest eggplant The way to eat is to steam, which can maximize the nutrients in the eggplant.

Cut the skinned eggplants into strips or blocks, steam them in a pot over high heat, put them in a bowl, add your favorite seasonings, such as garlic, coriander, olive oil, sesame oil, etc. Just stir.

What’s the difference between round eggplant and long eggplant?

In general, the nutrient content of long eggplant and round eggplant is not very different, but the calcium content of long eggplant is 7 times that of round eggplant.

In addition, you can choose between the two according to the cooking method.

The water content of long eggplant is relatively higher, and it is easier to fry.

The texture of the round eggplant is a little harder, it is suitable for stewing or frying, and the taste of braised eggplant is also very good.

How to prevent eggplant from absorbing oil?


Salt method

Cut the eggplant into the shape you want, sprinkle with a little salt After rubbing it with your hands, the eggplant will ooze moisture after a few minutes.

Put the drained eggplant into the pot and fry, which can greatly reduce the amount of oil used, and there is no need to add additional salt during the frying process.


Blanching method

Blank the eggplant in boiling water until half-cooked before frying Pan frying can also reduce oil intake.


Microwave method

Place the desired seasoning on the eggplant, bake it in the microwave at high temperature, and then Re-fired, you can avoid the frying process, and the taste is also very good.

Should you peel the eggplant skin?

The health benefits of eggplant are inseparable from the anthocyanins in the eggplant skin. The effect will be greatly diminished.

In addition to anthocyanins, eggplant skins also contain high concentrations of pectin and flavonoids, so eating eggplants with skins will be more beneficial to the cardiovascular system.

Don’t throw eggplant stalks

Eggplant stalks are blind Chinese medicine, It has a good effect on relieving the following symptoms.



Although aphthous is not a serious disease, it can be very painful in severe cases. Eggplant pedicle has the effect of cooling blood and detoxification, which can effectively treat mouth sores.

The eggplant stalks can be burnt and ground into powder, applied to the sores, or boiled with eggplant stalks to rinse the mouth.



Some people often suffer from toothache after eating too much spicy food or staying up late. According to ancient Chinese medicine books, burning eggplant stalks with ashes on the sore tooth can quickly relieve the pain.



The eggplant stem also has the effect of relieving cough. Cut off the eggplant stem of the fresh eggplant and put it in the refrigerator Freeze it for two or three hours, then take it out into a pot, add water to boil, throw away the eggplant stems after 5 minutes, and let the water warm to drink. It should be noted that this method is effective for hot coughs and is not recommended for cold coughs.

Source: China Traditional Chinese Medicine News, Popular Science China

Editor: Stone