Prostatitis + premature ejaculation? What to do to get better?

Premature ejaculation is not unfamiliar to many men. Not only middle-aged and elderly men will experience premature ejaculation symptoms, but some young people will also experience premature ejaculation. The appearance of premature ejaculation is not only related to certain psychological factors, but also inseparable from bad habits in daily life. Its occurrence is mainly caused by neurological dysfunction and hypersensitivity of the dorsal nerve.

Prostatitis? Premature ejaculation?

Although prostatitis itself does not cause premature ejaculation, under chronic inflammation, men may experience nervous, sympathetic tension and excitement. Sensory nerve excitation increases sensitivity and is delivered more quickly to the brain centers, allowing patients to reach firing threshold more quickly and experience premature ejaculation.

1. Pay attention to the hygiene of private parts

Whether their own health status is the treatment for premature ejaculation Very important. It is best for men to wash with warm water when taking a bath, and pay attention to the cleaning of their reproductive organs each time they take a bath. For close-fitting clothing, try to wash it once a day. Only by maintaining good hygiene can we reduce the invasion of bacteria to the body, which is more conducive to the recovery of premature ejaculation.

2. Relax and release stress

When men are too nervous or stressed prone to premature ejaculation. When couples have sex, men should be in a state of enjoyment and not put too much pressure on themselves because of the trivialities of life. When it comes to sex, it’s better to let it flow, and the more pressure you put on yourself, the less likely the results will be.

3. Improve diet and pay attention to nutritional supplements

If men have symptoms of premature ejaculation, they can usually eat appropriately Some foods that nourish the kidneys and replenish qi, and eat less spicy and greasy foods in daily life, are not conducive to male reproductive health. Also, it is very important to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Do not sit for long periods of time in your daily life. A certain amount of exercise every day can improve your resistance and help restore premature ejaculation.

4. Avoid overindulgence and restraint sex life

Men’s excessive manual labor or frequent sex life will lead to Lead to long-term congestion of reproductive organs, long-term maintenance of this bad state, easily lead to premature ejaculation. Therefore, masturbation and sex life can not be too frequent. We should learn to control ourselves. Long-term congestion of reproductive organs will not only lead to premature ejaculation, but also lead to a series of reproductive diseases such as prostatitis and orchitis.

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