On Christmas Eve, use the red lucky fruit as a rose to convey my heart to you

On Christmas Eve, use the red lucky fruit as a rose to convey my heart to you

Although there are no roses in winter, it can still be romantic. In addition to the romance given by Chuxue, you can also get it in festivals. Christmas Eve is just around the corner. Christmas Eve is a warm festival. If you want to make this day more romantic, you need to spend some thought on gifts, especially gift To a loved one, although you can’t say “I love you” directly, you can let the other party understand your heart by giving gifts. The red lucky fruit is a very suitable gift.

When it comes to this name, many people will find it unfamiliar, because it is a new variety cultivated in recent years. Many Chinese scientists have spent 12 years adding Xinjiang Wild Apple, Yantai Red Fuji, China Xiaoguoguang and many other varieties. A native apple variety was hybridized and grafted, and finally successfully planted on the southern foot of Mount Tai with a high yield.

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The growth process of this new variety is also very special. From germination to leaf growth to flowering and finally to fruiting, the fruit tree is red all the way, so special and so attractive, and there are a total of 10,000 There are many kinds of apples, but only the red lucky fruit can grow completely red. Most of the apples we often see are white flesh. The red lucky fruit is not only red in skin, but also in red flesh, even the heart of the apple is no exception. It tastes delicious, sweet and sour, crisp and refreshing juicy.

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But the most important thing is that he has a very special meaning, which is “sincere and true feelings”. On Christmas Eve, you will definitely eat apples. If you just eat apples that you usually see, then there is only the traditional meaning of wishing for peace, reunion, health and success in the coming year. If you choose to eat this red birthday fruit, you can add a romance to this traditional meaning, and you can make wishes for the coming year Meet true love Oh. And if two people are in the same mind, the person who gave the red lucky fruit and the person who received the red lucky fruit may have progress in their relationship on Christmas Eve.

During Christmas Eve this year, the red lucky fruit will be released in a gift box. There are four fruits in a box, which happens to symbolize the four seasons of the year. The gift is decent and delicate, and full of meaning. Single people can send red lucky fruit on Christmas Eve to express their love, and those with a partner can also send red lucky fruit on this day to tell each other that you have always been romantic. On Christmas Eve, I naturally hope to be happier. After all, it is just at the turn of the old year and the new year. Everyone hopes that the coming year will be better and better. If you are single, if you want to fall in love, you will also hope to meet True love, those who have a partner will also hope that you can still be together happily in the coming year. It is not only a vision for a better future, but also a plan that can be realized.