Often dizzy, or caused by cervical spondylosis, pay attention to these 4 points, or you can maintain the cervical spine

Cervical spondylosis is related to various reasons such as poor sleeping position, excessive activity, impingement, cervical degenerative disease, etc.. The disease can cause symptoms such as stiffness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, and difficulty swallowing.

Dizziness is caused by the compression of nerves in the brain, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain. The disease has a great impact on patients, so it is recommended to take care of the cervical spine on a regular basis. So how can you take care of your cervical spine?

1. Correct bad sitting posture

Long-term desk work and other bad sitting postures will change the normal curvature of the cervical spine, which will then lead to chronic strain on the cervical spine.

Therefore, if you want to maintain the cervical spine, it is recommended to develop a good sitting habit and keep the spine straight when sitting and standing. After sitting for a period of time, you should moderately move your shoulders and neck.

2. Choose a suitable pillow

The comfort and height of the pillow also has a great impact on the cervical spine. Generally, the height of the pillow should be about 10 cm, and the pillow core should also be made of flexible and soft material.

In addition, the usual sleeping position should also be correct, mainly on the side, so that the ligaments between the cervical vertebrae are in a relaxed state.

3. Exercise to strengthen the neck p>

Strengthening the exercise of the neck is also an important measure to prevent the disease. However, the exercise must be moderate. Excessive exercise may aggravate the strain on the cervical spine.

General exercises for the neck and shoulders include yoga, swimming, jogging, jogging, etc.. In addition, patients should also moderately supplement calcium to prevent osteoporosis.

4. Keep warm

< p>Coldness can cause muscle spasms or tight joints in the neck. Therefore, it is recommended to pay more attention to keeping warm and avoid prolonged exposure to excessively humid and cold environments. At the same time, be aware of climate change and add clothing according to the temperature to prevent the neck from getting cold.

The above are related methods for maintenance of cervical vertebra. The above methods generally reduce or avoid the occurrence of cervical spondylosis. If unfortunately suffer from this disease, it is recommended that the patient seek medical treatment in time. What methods should be used for treatment?

1. Drugs

Appropriate drug treatment can significantly improve the symptoms of the disease. However, because there are many types of the disease, the medicines used for each type are different.

For nerve root, sympathetic and milder symptoms of cervical spondylosis, patients can use Chinese patent medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and neurotrophic Drugs for treatment.

In acute episodes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants can be added to relieve symptoms, and dehydration, hormones should be given when necessary treat.

2. Surgery

Patients who are ineffective or ineffective by conservative treatment can be treated by surgery. There are two types of surgery, the anterior approach and the posterior approach for the cervical spine.

The former can completely contact the compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots, and preserve the movement of the surgical segment. The latter can expand the effective sagittal diameter of the spinal canal and relieve the compression of the spinal cord.

It can be seen from the above that cervical vertebrae can be maintained by correcting poor sitting posture, choosing suitable pillows, strengthening neck exercises and keeping warm

In addition to these methods, you should also pay attention to nutrition supplementation and eat more calcium-rich foods.

For For those who are already ill, it is recommended to treat them in time by drugs, acupuncture, traction, physics, surgery, etc.. After treatment, patients should also prevent complications such as cervical heart syndrome and hypertension. symptoms.