Not only cephalosporins, you can’t drink alcohol while taking these 12 drugs, beware of death…

Source: Jingyitong

There was such a case: A 23-year-old man who caught a cold before getting married and ate a few cephalosporins casually. He couldn’t resist the persuasion at the banquet. He drank a lot of alcohol, then passed out and went into shock.

“Cefs just drink, just leave”, many people don’t take it seriously , but sometimes it’s really not a joke!

『cephalosporin+wine” kill people? The culprit behind it is the disulfiram reaction!

<600"> span>What is the disulfiram reaction?


Disulfiram reaction

Refers to drinking alcohol or drinking alcoholic beverages after taking certain drugs. After a series of reactions, the “accumulation of acetaldehyde” in the body results in poisoning reaction.

Symptoms of Poisoning

GeneralAppears within 15-30 minutes of drinking alcohol or consuming alcohol after taking , including Facial flushing, bloodshot eyes, blurred vision, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, sweating, dry mouth, chest pain, etc.


Severe cases can lead to myocardial infarction , acute heart failure, acute liver injury, convulsions (convulsions) and death. Elderly, children, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseasepatients andalcohol allergy strong>More dangerous.

strong Which drugs may cause this reaction?


Drugs that have been proven to cause disulfiram reactions include:

1, Cephalosporins:Some drugs with the word “cephalosporin” in their names, such as cefoperazone, cefamandol, cefotiam, cefani West, cefotetan, cefmenoxime and so on.

Some cephalosporins do not respond to disulfiram, but it is difficult for non-professionals to distinguish , so it is best not to take it with alcohol.

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What other medicines should not be taken with alcohol?


In addition to drugs that may cause disulfiram reactions, there are also drugs that may Increased adverse reactions or even dangerous:

1 , sleeping pills+wine— Be careful of “wake up”

includes:phenobarbital, chloral hydrate, diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, estazolam, zolpidem, etc.

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Reason:Sedatives and sleeping pills have an inhibitory effect on the brain, and alcohol can aggravate this inhibition , it may make the patient suffer from coma, shock, respiratory failure and other critical conditions.

picture Source: Genuine Image Gallery

2, analgesics+ Alcohol – “Stomach Bleeding” beckons to you

includes : Aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen and other drugs that have the effect of “relieving pain” or “reducing fever”.

Reason: strong>This type of “NSAIDs” mainly stimulates the gastric mucosa. With the synergy of alcohol, the combination of the two may cause gastric ulcers, gastritis, and even gastric bleeding.

3, hypotensive drugs+alcohol — beware of “hypotensive shock” strong>

includes:profits Serumin, Captopril, Nifedipine

Cause: Some antihypertensive drugs taken with alcohol may cause vasodilation, hypotension, and even shock, which is life-threatening. Some antihypertensive drugs and alcohol may cause blood pressure to soar, which can seriously lead to cerebral hemorrhage.

4, Anti-depressants+alcohol – Use alcohol to make your sorrows better

includes:sertraline, imipramine , amitriptyline, doxepin, fluvoxamine, citalopram, foxetine, paroxetine, etc.

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Reason:Similar to sleeping pills, taking it with alcohol will increase the inhibitory effect on the brain center, resulting in Adverse reactions can even reduce the efficacy of the drug and aggravate the condition.

Do you feel that you can’t remember so many medicines? Norelationship, just remember“drink without taking medicine, take medicine without drinking” span>Enough is enough, and you must never drink alcohol while taking the medicine, so as to ensure that everything is safe.

strong >Eating cephalosporin and accidentally drinking?


1, Observe< /span>

Stop drinking and observe for a while to see if any discomfort occurs. If there is no discomfort, it is not a problem. If you experience severe discomfort, such as difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.

2, emesis span>

If you immediately realize that alcohol and cephalosporins are being taken together, you can try to induce vomiting and put your stomach Spitting out the contents may reduce the chance of an accident.

>Image source: Internet

< p>3.drinking water

You can try to drink more water to dilute the alcohol concentration and speed up the alcohol metabolism.

* Induce vomiting and drink water if symptoms are mild, If breathing is difficult, blindly inducing vomiting or drinking water may cause suffocation.

4, V-position

For patients with dyspnea or even coma shock, when people around them call for help in time, they should untie the collars or scarves of their clothes so that the Supine, head raised10 to 15 degrees, feet Elevate 20 degrees to 30 degrees, and turn head to one side .

In clinical practice, there are not many cases of death caused by disulfiram reaction. Because no one can guarantee that they can be saved from dangermost

If you are really unclear about medication or want to clarify, please go to the medication consultation center of the hospital to consult a pharmacist.

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