Nodules, polyps and cysts

Nodules, polyps, cysts? At present, many people have such problems. Although most of the tests are benign, there is no need to be overly nervous, but in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, this is the pathological product of phlegm and blood stasis. If only surgical resection, without conditioning the body, is likely to have the possibility of recurrence.

Of course, phlegm and blood stasis will not necessarily lead to lumps, but when you find that your tongue has ecchymosis on the tip of your tongue, or your sublingual veins are thick and swollen like a coral tree. Or when you find that you have all kinds of spots on your body, these are actually signals from our body, suggesting that you may have phlegm-dampness or blood stasis in your body.

What are the manifestations of phlegm-dampness

Weakness of the spleen and stomach leads to abnormal spleen transport and transformation, and the function of transporting and transforming water and dampness is greatly reduced, or water When the liquid encounters obstacles in the process of circulation and excretion in the body, the water liquid will not be able to nourish the human body normally, but will form abnormal accumulation in the body or the inflow and outflow will not be smooth, flooding into a disaster, causing the human body to appear phlegm-dampness symptoms.

People with phlegm-dampness in their body generally have the following symptoms

1, mouth Sticky and greasy tongue, pale red, with tooth marks on the tongue

2. Obese body, especially in the abdomen

3. Shortness of breath, lazy speech, easy fatigue, lack of energy, lazy behavior Response ability

4, easy to sweat, often chest tightness, dizziness, drowsiness

5, cloudy urine, bubbles, greasy and rough skin.

What are the symptoms of blood stasis?

If a person is deficient, it will easily lead to blood stasis. In Chinese medicine, qi is the driving force that pushes the blood to go, and qi is the pump. If the qi is strong, it can push it to go and go smoothly. If the qi is weak, it will stay there in some places and it is not easy to pass through. Bleeding.

Consequences caused by blood stasis

If blood stasis is in the brain, then cerebrovascular diseases are prone to occur, such as cerebral infarction, brain Stroke etc.

If blood stasis in the heart, cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, myocardial ischemia, coronary heart disease, etc. are prone to occur.

If blood stasis in the liver, it will easily lead to liver diseases, such as fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, etc.

If blood stasis in the lungs, it is easy to cough, asthma, and respiratory tract inflammation in mild cases, and dyspnea, chronic bronchitis, and pulmonary fibrosis in severe cases.

If blood stasis in the uterus, female friends will experience dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation and other problems, and may even lead to infertility.

If blood stagnated under the skin, it is easy to appear age spots, various pigmentation spots, acne, pigmentation, etc.

If these two are combined with each other, the impact will be huge, just like the nodules, cysts, polyps, etc. mentioned before, most of them are phlegm in the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine. Pathological product of stasis. How should we resolve this situation? Today, Dr. Liu shared two herbs, one for removing phlegm and one for removing blood stasis.

Invigorating the spleen, drying dampness, and resolving phlegm – tangerine peel

Tangerine peel is bitter, acrid, warm in nature, can enter the lungs, Spleen meridian. It has the effects of regulating qi, strengthening the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm.

The spleen meridian of tangerine peel can strengthen the spleen and dry dampness, and can relieve indigestion caused by the imbalance of the spleen and stomach and the stagnation of qi in the spleen and stomach, including stomach pain, chest tightness, and abdominal distension.

The tangerine peel enters the lung meridian, which can well achieve the effect of resolving phlegm. The lungs are the organ that stores phlegm. Too much phlegm in the body can cause cough. Drinking some tangerine peel water at this time can relieve the symptoms.

Another important point is that tangerine peel also has the effect of regulating Qi. We must know that anger is also one of the pathogenic factors. In Chinese medicine, there are sayings that qi stagnates phlegm-dampness, and qi stagnates and blood stasis, and these are all syndromes caused by anger. In this case, we must first straighten out the qi, so that we can better regulate it.

Promoting blood circulation, nourishing blood and removing blood stasis – Panax notoginseng

It is recorded in the Supplement to Compendium of Materia Medica that Panax notoginseng is the first blood tonic. a medicine. Notoginseng is sweet and slightly bitter in taste, warm in nature, and can enter the liver and stomach meridians. External use can stop bleeding, internal use can replenish blood (fried Panax notoginseng), and it also has the effects of removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain.

The blood is replenished, which can increase the blood flow speed in the body, so as to flush out the places where the blood is blocked, and achieve a stasis-removing effect.

Two herbs taken together can achieve the effect of invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, nourishing blood and removing blood stasis.