National Health Commission: The health literacy level of national residents has increased from 8.8% to 25.4% in ten years

Cover reporter Shao Meng

On June 10, the National Health and Health Commission held the sixth press conference of the “Everything for the People’s Health – Our Ten Years” series, introducing the party’s eighteenth The progress and effectiveness of health education work since the beginning of the year. Mi Feng, spokesperson of the National Health Commission and deputy director of the Publicity Department, introduced that the health literacy level of residents across the country has steadily improved, from 8.8% 10 years ago to 25.4% in 2021, that is, 25 out of 100 people have mastered it. Basic health knowledge and skills to complete the phased goals of the Healthy China Action in 2022 ahead of schedule.

Mi Feng, spokesperson of the National Health Commission and deputy director of the Publicity Department. Source: China Network

The health education work has achieved remarkable results in the past ten years

Mi Feng pointed out that in the past ten years, through continuous strengthening of health education, the promotion of personal Establish health concepts, master health knowledge, and develop healthy behaviors with the group, so as to prevent diseases, promote health, and improve the quality of life. People’s demands and expectations for health knowledge are getting higher and higher. Carry out the Healthy China Action and deepen the medical reform, and strive to improve the people’s sense of health gain and happiness. The people have a more active awareness, more diverse means, and more comprehensive capabilities to maintain and promote health, and look forward to more ” Good-looking, good-sounding, easy-to-remember, easy-to-use” health knowledge.

In the past ten years, health education has been working hard to get closer to the people and to the lives of the people. The “Basic Medical Care and Health Promotion Law” clarifies the government’s statutory responsibilities in this regard. Governments at all levels put people’s health in a strategic position of priority development, promote the integration of health into all policies, and send health education to villages and communities , into schools, into families, and build a healthy environment around the masses. Especially in the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, health education not only helps epidemic prevention and control, but also promotes the masses to develop good health habits to better promote their own health.

The scene of the press conference of the National Health and Medical Commission on June 10. Cover reporter Shao Meng photography

In the past decade, more and more medical and health institutions and health workers have actively invested and responded to health education work. Professional institutions at all levels compile core information and provide health services according to the main local health problems and influencing factors. The majority of medical staff develop and use health education prescriptions in the frontline of clinical work, instructing patients and their families how to live a healthier life and promote early recovery. They promote popular science education in the society, guide the masses to promote health by paying attention to themselves and changing their behaviors, and make health education a good way to stay away from diseases.

In the past ten years, health education activities have received more and more extensive support and participation from all walks of life. The media set up a health science column, invited experts to teach health knowledge, and carried out various forms of dissemination. Industry associations will learn to give full play to their respective advantages, transform academic research results into easy-to-understand, and better send them into the homes of ordinary people. Communities, schools, and enterprises take the initiative to take responsibility for health and maintain the physical and mental health of residents, teachers, students, and employees. Build a solid foundation for a healthy China with thousands of healthy small cells.

By 2030, the health literacy level of national residents will reach 30%

Li Changning, director of China Health Education Center, introduced that the implementation of health Since the establishment of my country, the growth rate of the health literacy level of Chinese residents has increased significantly. The target of 22% by 2022 set by Healthy China was achieved ahead of schedule. At the same time, it should be noted that there is still much room for improvement in the health literacy level of Chinese residents. The “Healthy China 2030” Plan Outline and the “14th Five-Year” National Health Plan both propose that the health literacy level should reach 30% by 2030. Target.

Li Changning, Director of China Health Education Center. Source: China Network

Li Changning said that in recent years, many measures have been taken to promote people’s health and health literacy:

First, to strengthen top-level design, in the “Basic Medical Hygiene and Health” The Promotion Law clearly states that the state should establish a health education system to improve citizens’ health literacy. Improving health literacy has become the main content and an important indicator of the construction of a healthy China. A series of supporting measures have also been introduced.

The second is to vigorously promote the integration of health into all policies, strengthen multi-departmental collaboration, coordinate social resources, and extensively carry out health education and health science in various forms and contents. In this new crown epidemic prevention and control, relevant departments have actively cooperated, and various industries have widely publicized prevention and control policies and measures, popularized epidemic prevention knowledge and skills, and achieved remarkable results.

The third is to set up major special projects, such as health education projects and health literacy promotion projects in the national basic public health service projects.

Fourth, vigorously develop healthy cities, healthy counties, and healthy cells to create a supportive environment for the improvement of health literacy.

The fifth is to vigorously improve the ability of health science popularization, carry out the construction of health science popularization expert database and resource database, and issue a series of relevant systems and normative documents.

The sixth is to advocate a healthy culture, guide the public to establish the awareness of the first responsible person for health, and practice a healthy lifestyle.

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