National Cancer Prevention Awareness Week – learn to scientifically prevent “two cancers” in women

Since 1995,

The China Anti-Cancer Association will designate April 15-21 every year as the National Cancer Prevention Publicity Week.

This year’s theme is

“Integration of resources, scientific prevention of cancer”.

Tumor is a chronic disease that threatens life and health. To prevent cancer, thought and action require Effective unification is indispensable, and today I will take you to understand it.

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Combining with recent hotspots, Wang Ling, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial People’s Congress and Secretary of the Party Group at the Two Sessions this year, proposed: To achieve full coverage of “two cancers” screening as soon as possible, strengthen the implementation of free screening in urban and rural areas, increase funding, and include issues such as medical insurance to ensure that women of school age can be screened and treated. The “two cancers” here are cervical cancer and breast cancer.

cervical cancer

cervical cancer mostly consists of high-risk It is caused by persistent HPV infection, of which types 16 and 18 are the most important high-risk infection types in Chinese women. According to the degree of cervical cancer lesions, it is divided into CIN I, II, and III grades. The higher the grade, the higher the risk of cervical cancer.

Primary prevention: health education and vaccination against HPV.

By increasing the public’s awareness of cervical cancer, we should correctly understand the importance of HPV vaccination and regular screening.

HPV vaccines are currently available in bivalent, quadrivalent and 9-valent options. Currently, bivalent and quadrivalent HPV vaccines are available. The vaccine has been marketed in more than 130 countries and regions around the world. A large number of clinical trials and long-term follow-up data show that the effective rates of preventing HPV persistent infection for 6 months and 12 months are 96.9%-100% and 94.3%-100%, respectively. Cervical intraepithelial lesions have a protective effect of 90.4% to 100%.

In the domestic study, the bivalent HPV vaccine was followed up to 72 months, and the HPV16/18-related 6 The protection rates from persistent infection at 1 month were 97.1% and 87.3%, respectively.

The World Health Organization (WHO) updated in May 2017 that all three HPV vaccines that have been approved for marketing have Good safety and efficacy.

Secondary prevention: regular screening.

The United States recommends that women over the age of 21 who are sexually active carry out screening, Europe considers that they are over 25 years old, WHO recommends that they are over 30 years old, and my country recommends screening starting from The starting age was 25 to 30 years old, and the combined screening of HPV and TCT was performed once in 5 years or the TCT alone was performed once in 3 years. In the past 10 years, women over 65 years old have normal TCT for 3 consecutive times in 3 years, 2 consecutive negative HPV tests in 5 years and no cervical lesions, so they do not need to continue screening.

Tertiary Prevention: Early Treatment

Mainly Carry out appropriate surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, palliative care, etc., the sooner the intervention is found, the better the effect.

Breast cancer is different from cervical cancer, and there is currently no vaccine that can prevent it. Screening of women who have not yet developed symptoms can only be done in an effective, simple and economical way, expecting early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment to reduce the mortality rate of breast cancer.

Some foreign guidelines recommend starting screening at the age of 50, but most consider 40 as the starting age for screening.

The high incidence of breast cancer in my country is mostly concentrated in the 45-54 years old, which is about 10 years earlier than many European and American countries. Therefore, it is recommended to start breast cancer screening at the age of 40 in China, and for high-risk groups of breast cancer, it can be advanced to before the age of 40 . Relevant studies have shown that the older the age, the higher the risk of breast cancer. For the elderly over the age of 70, screening can be reduced, only opportunistic screening is considered, and termination of screening is not recommended.

Age 40-45:

Yearly mammograms, which can also be combined with ultrasound.

46-69: p>

A mammogram every 1-2 years, or combined with ultrasound.


A mammogram every 2 years.

High-risk groups:

with a genetic predisposition to breast cancer, 30 years old Chest radiotherapy, breast dysplasia. Such patients are recommended to undergo a chest physical examination and breast ultrasonography every 6 to 12 months, and yearly enhanced MRI if necessary.

To sum up, do you know the scientific prevention knowledge of “two cancers”? Scientific prevention can protect your life and health to the greatest extent possible.

References[1] Breast Cancer Professional Committee of China Anti-Cancer Association. Chinese Anti-Cancer Association Guidelines and Specifications for Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment (2021 Edition)[J].China Oncology,2021,31(10):954-1040.DOI:10.19401/j.cnki.1007-3639.2021.10.013.[2] Wang Linhong, Zhao Gengli. Guidelines for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Cervical Cancer in China [J]. China Maternal and Child Health Research, 2018, 29(1):3.

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