National Cancer Prevention Awareness Week | Implement a balanced diet to effectively reduce the risk of esophageal cancer

April 15 to 21, 2022 is the 28th National Cancer Prevention Publicity Week. The theme of this year’s publicity week is “Early Action for Cancer Prevention and Control”, which aims to actively advocate everyone to take the first responsibility for their own health People, correctly understand cancer, actively prevent and control cancer, establish the concept of cancer tertiary prevention, practice a healthy and civilized lifestyle, take the initiative to participate in cancer prevention health examinations, achieve early prevention, early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment, and reduce the incidence of cancer rate and mortality rate, improve the early diagnosis rate and survival rate of cancer, effectively curb the harm of cancer, and improve the health of the people.

Esophageal cancer is a malignant tumor originating from the esophageal mucosa, mainly squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, and is a common malignant tumor worldwide. my country is a country with a large incidence of esophageal cancer. According to information released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization, in 2020, the number of new cases of esophageal cancer and the number of deaths from esophageal cancer in my country will account for more than half of the world.

It occurs due to the long-term interaction of living habits, nutritional deficiencies, chemical factors, drug factors, biological factors and other external environmental factors and genetic factors. Deficiency of nutrients such as vitamins (A, B2, folic acid, C, E) and trace elements (zinc, selenium, molybdenum, etc.) is one of the important risk factors for esophageal cancer, and epidemiological data show that esophageal cancer The protein intake of cancer patients before onset was lower than that of normal controls.

At this stage, it is impossible to determine which risk factors play a leading role in the incidence of esophageal cancer. Therefore, by implementing a balanced dietary pattern to achieve a balanced nutrition, Preventing related nutrient deficiencies and effectively reducing the risk of esophageal cancer is an important means of primary prevention (cause prevention) of esophageal cancer.

First, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, mainly providing vitamin C, folic acid and other vitamins

Related studies show that eating more vegetables and fruits can reduce the risk of esophageal cancer. It is recommended that the average adult consumes 300-500 grams of vegetables per day, dark vegetables should account for 1/2, and the daily intake of fruits is 200-350 grams (fruit juice cannot replace fresh fruit).

2. Eat more milk, soybeans and their products, and moderate fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat and nuts

Mainly provide protein, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin E and other vitamins and trace elements such as zinc, selenium, and molybdenum. It is recommended that the average adult consumes 40-75 grams of aquatic products, 40-75 grams of livestock and poultry meat, and 40-50 grams of eggs per day, with an average daily intake of 120-200 grams. Dairy products, the intake is equivalent to 300 grams of liquid milk per day; regular consumption of soy products is equivalent to more than 25 grams of soybeans per day, and it is recommended to consume an average of 50 to 70 grams of nuts per week (about 10 grams per day on average).

Third, ensure the intake of whole grains and mixed beans

mainly Supplement vitamins such as vitamin B2 and trace elements such as zinc and molybdenum in the body. It is recommended that the average adult consume 50-150 grams of whole grains and mixed beans per day.

[Experts in this issue]

Dai Mengyang, Shenyang Director of the Nutrition and Food Hygiene Institute of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, chief physician. Mainly engaged in food safety risk monitoring, nutrition and health education, nutrition science and health promotion.