My family has hepatitis B, should I share the table? The doctor gives 3 suggestions to understand as soon as possible

China is a big country with hepatitis B. According to the information from the census, it is considered that the number of people infected with hepatitis B in my country is about 7%. That is to say, the potential estimate in China may be 100 million. A large percentage of the population is infected with hepatitis B virus. However, with the promotion of free vaccination by the state, the hepatitis B infection rate of children has been declining year by year.

Routes of transmission of hepatitis B

1. Mother-to-child transmission

Mother-to-child transmission is the most important Transmission route, mother is the main body of family gathering, about 30% to 50% of hepatitis B patients in my country are caused by mother-to-child transmission, and more than 90% of adult liver cirrhosis and liver cancer are infected with hepatitis B virus in infants and young children.

2, iatrogenic infection< /p>

Infection caused by repeated use of HBV-contaminated medical equipment without strict disinfection during inspection and treatment in the hospital is called iatrogenic Dissemination, including surgery, dental instruments, blood collection needles, acupuncture needles and endoscopy, etc.

3. Sexual Transmission

Sexual transmission is a type of body fluid transmission, which can also be transmitted by kissing. In the family, if one of the husband and wife is a hepatitis B patient or a hepatitis B virus carrier, the other party must be vaccinated Hepatitis B vaccine, obtain antibodies; in daily life, we must take various preventive measures.

4. Transmission by close life contact< /p>

Sharing razors, toothbrushes, etc. in daily life can cause HBV transmission, which is called close living infection. Close daily contact can cause blood, saliva, breast milk, vaginal secretions, etc. containing hepatitis B virus to enter the body of susceptible people through tiny abrasions and cracks in the mucous membrane or skin, causing hepatitis B virus infection.

My family has hepatitis B, do I need to share the table?

From the above, we can also understand the transmission mode of hepatitis B virus, so for people with hepatitis B in the family, eating Do you need to divide the table or divide the table and chopsticks to eat?

Theoretically speaking, eating at the same table with hepatitis B patients will not infect hepatitis B virus, because hepatitis B will not pass through Digestive tract infection, if the family members with hepatitis B are treated differently at ordinary times, it may lead to a patient’s inferiority complex, and even induce more serious psychological problems.

Of course there are exceptions to everything, if some people have many wounds inside and outside the mouth, such as bleeding lips, bleeding gums, oral cavity Ulceration, throat swelling, tonsil erosion, etc. When eating with hepatitis B patients, if such a problem happens, the hepatitis B virus is likely to be transmitted to the human body through the wound. If the infected person has poor immunity, the immune system cannot eliminate the hepatitis B virus , will be infected with hepatitis B.

Of course, this probability is very small, so we can definitely answer that most cases of eating with hepatitis B patients It is not contagious, but it may be infected if there is a break in the mouth.

How to prevent hepatitis B virus? Doctors give 3 suggestions to understand as soon as possible

1. Strengthen hygiene

Everyone should develop the habit of maintaining hygiene and washing hands frequently. If you must do these things, you must wash your hands first and disinfect them with disinfectant. At the same time, you must pay attention to the hygiene of the office, your own desks, chairs, office utensils and public items, and maintain hygiene and disinfection.

2. Eliminate the source of infection

It is necessary to pay attention to the isolation of infectious patients and also to pay attention to the recovery period, regular follow-up of virus carriers, and attention to personal hygiene industry hygiene to prevent their own blood and saliva , There are other secretion pollution, tableware, toothbrush, shaving utensils, changing utensils used in 4 kinds of environments should be separated from normal people.

3. Strengthening physique

In daily life, you should pay attention to the nutritional balance of your body, exercise your body, combine work and rest, enhance your physique, increase your immunity, and reduce the chance of contracting viruses , Regardless of whether there are hepatitis B virus carriers around, pay attention to the hygiene and safety of the equipment used for injection, infusion, tooth extraction, and tooth cleaning.

Extended – Can Hepatitis B Vaccine Be Safe For Life?

At present, the most effective way to prevent hepatitis B is to inject hepatitis B vaccine. Once the body produces hepatitis B antibodies, it can be immune to hepatitis B virus. Can the hepatitis B vaccine be worry-free for life?

The answer is of course no, even if a vaccine is given, it cannot be done once and for all.

1. Antibodies are not necessarily successful after vaccination

The currently used hepatitis B and vaccines require a total of three injections, each dose of 10 micrograms, even if the whole hepatitis B vaccine is vaccinated, there is still 5%~ 10% of the vaccinated people do not produce hepatitis B antibodies or produce low-level antibodies. They must check 5 hepatitis B items after one or two months. If the test results show that the surface antibodies are negative or weakly positive, they need to be re-injected.

2. The effective immunity time produced by the human body after this vaccine is not permanent< /span>

The whole course of vaccination against hepatitis B, and high titers of hepatitis B antibodies were produced after vaccination. The effective protection period is more than 5 years. The higher the titer, the stronger the immunity and the longer the duration of immune protection, but it is impossible to achieve lifelong immunity. For some people, the vaccine immunity will disappear in a year or two, while some people can last for 10 to 15 years, with great individual differences.

3. Antibody levels will gradually decrease after vaccination< /span>

After hepatitis B vaccination, the titer of anti-HBs will gradually decrease over time. Below the value, it is no longer immune to hepatitis B virus. Therefore, in order to ensure the preventive effect, after the hepatitis B vaccine is vaccinated, blood tests should be performed to check the five hepatitis B items. If the anti-HBs is positive, the vaccination is successful, and the anti-HBs titer should be checked at the same time.

In summary, although the hepatitis B vaccine injection is effective to prevent hepatitis B, it will not be lifelong immunity, and you should also pay attention to maintaining good health. Lifestyle habits, regular exercise, regular work and rest, and improve self-immunity; in addition, we must pay attention to cutting off the transmission route of hepatitis B, that is, blocking blood transmission, mother-to-child transmission, “sexual” transmission, close contact transmission, iatrogenic transmission, etc.