More than half of Chinese adults are overweight or obese? Whether you are obese, you can refer to these 4 methods

Recently, the National Health Commission issued a new version of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022).

Data shows that more than half of the adult residents in my country are overweight or obese.

Although the nutritional status and physique of Chinese residents have improved significantly, the overall physical activity of residents has been declining year by year.

The overweight and obesity rates of children under the age of 6 and children and adolescents aged 6-17 reached 10.4% and 19.0%, respectively, and the overweight and obesity rates of residents aged 18 and over were 34.3%. and 16.4%.

Clearly, obesity remains a major health problem in our country.

Once you gain weight, you open Pandora’s Box

At present, the medical community believes that obesity is a chronic disease. When the number and volume of fat cells in the body exceeds the normal level, it can be judged as obesity.

Obese patients will show symptoms such as overweight, palpitations, night sweats. If they don’t lose weight in time, their blood pressure and blood lipids will soar, making it easy for The body has acute symptoms, which endanger the life safety of the patient.

Over 80% of type 2 diabetes is related to obesity, and obesity can also lead to the incidence of cardiovascular disease, leading to vascular endothelial damage, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, Heart damage and other diseases.

In addition, obese people are more likely than normal people to develop various cancers, liver cancer, breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer and prostate cancer< /strong>, etc., and can also cause diseases such as fatty liver, skin lesions, asthma and even erectile dysfunction.

Obesity is an important risk factor for many diseases.

How can someone tell if they are obese? You can start with these 4 points:

First, Body Mass Index

Body mass index can be used as a measure of obesity. The formula is: Body mass index (BMI) = weight (kg) divided by height (meters) squared.

When calculating body mass index, you should first measure your height and weight. If your body mass index exceeds 30, it means you are obese.

If your body mass index has exceeded 30, you must take care of your body, change your bad living habits, and reduce the intake of greasy food. heavy effect.

According to the obesity judgment criteria: A BMI of 18.5-24 for Chinese adults is considered normal, a BMI greater than 24 is overweight, a BMI greater than 27.5 is obese, and a BMI of 32.5-37.5 is moderate Obesity, and greater than 37.5 are severely obese.

Second, standard algorithm

Standard weight algorithm is a simple calculation standard. You only need to subtract 150 from your own height, and the absolute value of the data is the standard weight.

As long as your weight isn’t too different from the norm, you’re not obese.

If your weight value is much greater than the calculated value, you are considered obese. It is recommended to start weight loss work in time to bring your weight back to a normal level as soon as possible.

Third, waist circumference

Many people will find that after the body gets fat, the belly gets fat first.

This is because when we walk or run, we mainly use the muscles of the limbs. During this process, the muscles of the waist are not exercised, which will lead to a large amount of fat accumulation.

If your waistline is larger than normal, you need to get some exercise.

A healthy waistline should be under 95cm for men and under 80cm for women, once it exceeds The normal standard means that you have entered the range of obese people.

Fourth, hip to waist ratio

For men, those with a waist-to-hip ratio over 0.9 are obese, and for women, those with a waist-to-hip ratio over 0.8 are obese.

To measure your waist-to-hip ratio, you only need to measure your waist and hip circumferences and divide them to get your waist-to-hip ratio.

Of course, these methods are not absolute. If you want to judge whether you are obese, you can also combine professional equipment to measure your body fat rate and obesity rate.

It should be emphasized, however, that the opposite of “fat” is not “thin,” but the opposite of “healthy.”

Therefore, we need to pay attention to the fact that being underweight can also affect physical health. If the BMI is lower than 18.5, the mortality rate will also increase in vain.

Therefore, we still need to pay attention to science to lose weight, and neither fat nor thin is our goal.