Medical robot “smart hand” aids Xinjiang, helping famous doctors in Shandong to “diagnose in person” remotely

Reporter Zhang Jieqing, Correspondent Qu Yi

On June 7, the “Shandong Province Aid to Tibet, Aid Qing and Xinjiang Deterministic Telemedicine Project” was held in the South Hospital of Qingdao University Affiliated Hospital. The district was launched, and the first batch of medical staff from Kashgar, Xinjiang systematically learned telemedicine practices in Qingdao. The people of Xinjiang, Tibet and Qinghai will remotely enjoy the high-quality medical resources in Shandong through the surgical robot developed by Weigao.

On the morning of the same day, the training course of “Shandong Province Aid to Tibet, Youth Aid and Xinjiang Deterministic Telemedicine Project” officially started, and Shandong Province’s counterpart to support Xinjiang work command Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the competent department of Kashgar, Xinjiang, the expert team of Qingdao University Affiliated Hospital, medical staff of Shule County, Kashgar, Xinjiang, Weihai Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Weigao Medical Robot Industry Group and other relevant personnel attended the opening ceremony. Various parties have jointly promoted the medical construction in Tibet, Qinghai, and Xinjiang, and achieved deterministic network telemedicine through Weigao’s smart hand robot, enabling experts from the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University to remotely perform surgery for patients in remote areas and “in-person” treatment.

The Weigao Hand Robot was jointly developed by Weigao Group and Tianjin University. It was approved for listing by the State Drug Administration in October 2021. It is the first endoscopic surgical robot with independent intellectual property rights in China. . Compared with traditional surgery, Weigao smart hand robot has obvious advantages in surgical procedures, patient treatment and doctor’s operation, which is conducive to reducing surgical complications, relieving doctors’ fatigue, and reducing application costs.

“Wegao Robot has accumulated rich surgical experience and mature solutions in the field of telemedicine.” General Manager of Weigao Medical Robot Industry Group Wang Bingqiang introduced that Weigao’s participation in the telemedicine work of assisting Tibet, Qinghai and Xinjiang will accelerate the sinking of high-quality medical resources through the original research technology of domestic robots, and solve the problem of uneven distribution of medical resources.

The first batch of medical staff from Shule County People’s Hospital in Kashgar, Xinjiang has started training at the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University. For this training, the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University has formulated a professional and detailed training course to meet the needs of the trainees. The staff of the Marketing and Commerce Department of Weigao Medical Robot Industry Group are responsible for the theoretical and practical training of the Miaoshou robot. Through the master-hand operation table practice, the trained medical staff can gradually master the operation skills of the surgical robot.

The relevant person in charge of the Kashgar Development and Reform Commission expressed at the project launching ceremony that they hoped the trainees would truly become leaders and builders of health transformation and upgrading in Kashgar, Xinjiang. In the future, medical staff from the Tibetan Hospital in Shigatse, Tibet and the First People’s Hospital of Haibei Prefecture in Qinghai will go to the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University in batches to participate in clinical training.