Malignant lymphoma patients should have a soft diet rather than a hard diet

[Source: Dahe Health News]

□Li Jing, Department of Medical Oncology, First Affiliated Hospital of Heke University

Malignant lymphoma is a primary lymph node or other lymphoid tissue Malignant tumors are systemic diseases that can occur in any part of the body and can affect almost all tissues and organs of the body, especially lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen and bone marrow. For patients, in addition to active treatment, dietary care is also very important. Pay attention to the following aspects in daily diet:

Reasonable diet and rich nutrition. The diet of patients with malignant lymphoma should be easy to digest and rich in nutrients, and more importantly, a reasonable diet and balanced deployment should be done. It is recommended that patients with lymphoma eat more protein-rich foods, especially during radiotherapy and chemotherapy, when the protein consumption of patients increases, they should consume more high-quality protein foods, such as eggs, milk, yogurt, fish, shrimp, poultry, soy products, etc. Three meals a day can be eaten alternately. Mushroom foods are rich in amino acids and are also good foods for improving protein levels. If the patient has anemia, increase the intake of red meat, such as beef, pork and lamb. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, such as rapeseed, cabbage, tomatoes, etc. Eat more foods containing vitamin A, such as animal offal, radishes, egg yolks, etc., to help mobilize the body’s enthusiasm for anti-cancer. In addition, it is necessary to eat the staple food properly to supplement the calories.

To eat cooked food, avoid raw and cold food. After chemotherapy, lymphoma patients have poor resistance, poor physique, and poor immune function, and are prone to infection. In order to avoid the occurrence of digestive tract infection in diet, be sure to eat cooked food that is sterilized and heated at high temperature, and do not eat leftovers. Also, don’t eat raw and cold foods, such as cold salads. The fruit must be cleaned, it is best to eat it after peeling, and do not eat too much each time.

The diet should be light and avoid spicy food. For patients with malignant lymphoma, the diet should not only be nutritious, but also light in taste. Usually, you can eat more mushrooms, kelp, water chestnuts, kiwi fruit, strawberries, spinach, etc., which have the effect of improving immunity, especially suitable for patients with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Pay attention to stay away from spicy and irritating foods, that is, try not to eat foods that are too spicy or too greasy. In addition, raw onions, ginger, raw garlic, raw onions, peppers, mustard, pepper and other vegetables or condiments should also be avoided. These foods are irritating and harmful to the patient’s condition. Foods with high salt and sugar content, pickled foods, etc. are also not to be eaten.

The diet should be soft and not hard. Patients with malignant lymphoma may have decreased platelets due to chemotherapy and lymphoma invasion of the bone marrow, which can lead to increased risk of bleeding in the future. In order to avoid intestinal bleeding, patients are asked to eat soft foods and avoid eating hard, thorny and boney foods, so as not to scratch the mucosa of the digestive tract and cause bleeding in the digestive tract. Patients can eat a nutrient-rich liquid diet.

In addition, for patients with skin diseases, diabetes, and heart disease, they need to choose food according to their actual conditions. For those who have sore mouth and throat ulcers and cannot eat, they can switch to liquid foods, such as milk, oatmeal, etc., as well as light-flavored foods. For those with hypotaste, zinc preparations can be given to improve taste and increase appetite.

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