Looking down, it’s dark

It is a joy to meet friends today

After meeting my friends today, I feel sad

— small note Eyes down

Middle-aged Time seems to be indifferent at first, less high-spirited, more calm and safe, this is the best gift of time

After all, when people are middle-aged, they are full of burdens, do not seek success and fame, wealth and glory, but they are also afraid of being lonely and embarrassed. , only for friends, can live a stable life and be in a good mood, so that we can get along easily

< span class="data-color--tt-darkmode-707070">I don’t want to hear all kinds of complaints, because I don’t know How to comfort, but also afraid of showing pity in the eyes, breaking the confidence of friends

I really look forward to hearing about the good experience of the years, and I want to see the wisdom and freedom created by the years, and I want to laugh and communicate with each other in the time they spend together span>

In reality, it is inevitable to hear a lot of uncomfortable Stories, helplessness, many responsibilities do make it difficult to move forward, many things do backfire, but more problems come from wrong decisions and bad mentality

< p data-track="12">Dislike, simple complaint, dislike, unchanging stubbornness, dislike, people In middle age, he still has childish fantasies about society and the future

Actually, life is not difficult. If you understand the needs and sacrifices of each age stage, you can get through it safely. All dilemmas come from the mismatch of conditions span>

Don’t talk deeply with friends, write down Keep it as a souvenir

——The twenty-ninth chapter of Xiaoyi Original 2022 Inspiration (Life Abstaining from Greed)