Liver protection tablets have become a holy product for health care? NONONO! Eating indiscriminately is a bad thing!

Backstage, there was a message from Bao’s mother asking her to buy some liver protection tablets for her father and husband. They both love to drink. Is it better to take some liver protection tablets? The liver is an important detoxification organ in the human body and has a very powerful function. However, the liver also has a fragile side: it is often damaged by various factors, such as staying up late, alcoholism, drugs, and virus infection. As a country with a large number of liver diseases, people’s awareness of protecting the liver and protecting the liver is constantly improving, so many friends not only protect the liver by ingesting food, but also try to take medicine to achieve the purpose of protecting the liver. . Is this really good? Today, Duma will come to talk to you about this knowledge point. People with normal liver function do not need to take liver tabletsPeople with normal liver function do not need to take Hugan Tablets. Even for patients with viral hepatitis, Hugan Tablets are mainly used for adjuvant therapy. Non-infectious liver diseases such as alcoholic fatty liver disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and drug-induced liver injury can benefit from taking Hugan Tablets appropriately, but for For patients with fatty liver, the most important thing is to improve their diet and living habits, rather than taking liver protection tablets casually. Is it really good for the body to take liver protection tablets? Although liver-protecting medicines are helpful in treating liver disease, they are also medicines, not food, nor ordinary health-care drugs. If you take it by yourself, it will be counterproductive and increase the burden on the liver, because the drug needs to be detoxified and metabolized by the liver when entering the body, which will increase the risk of drug-induced liver injury. Secondly, Hugan Tablet treats the symptoms but not the root cause. In some special cases, it will cover up the truth of the disease and delay the correct treatment of the disease. Hepatoprotective drugs must be used under the guidance of a doctor. no side effects? One of the main ingredients in Hugan Tablets is Bupleurum. As the saying goes, success is also Xiao He and defeat is also Xiao He. This sentence has been fully confirmed by Chaihu. According to statistics, more than 20% of drug-induced liver injury is caused by traditional Chinese medicine, including both single-flavored decoction pieces and proprietary Chinese medicines. Bupleurum has a certain toxicity, and the target organ corresponding to its main toxicity is the liver. In recent years, reports of Bupleurum poisonous side effects have been increasing at home and abroad. Large-scale Bupleurum poisoning incidents have occurred in Japan, which has aroused people’s vigilance about the safety of Bupleurum. Modern pharmacological studies have found that the main material basis for the hepatotoxicity of Bupleurum may be saikosaponin with hepatoprotective effect. To summarize and analyze the clinical reports of the adverse reactions of Bupleurum in recent years, the drug-induced liver damage of Bupleurum is closely related to the accumulation of saikosaponin in the body. these following people< Cannot use Hugan Tablets for a long time1. Fatty liver patientsFor patients with fatty liver, our main thing is to control Take care of your diet and plan your lifestyle wisely. Recover fatty liver from healthy lifestyle habits instead of taking liver protection tablets to maintain liver health. 2. Patients with alcoholic liverDrinking is the fatal point of alcoholic liver. As long as you still drink, the damage to the liver will not stop. However, we can occasionally take liver protection tablets before drinking to reduce the burden of alcohol on the liver, but this does not mean that liver protection tablets can be eaten for a long time. 3. Hepatitis B patientsHepatitis B patients should formulate a liver protection plan according to the specific situation. If liver function is normal, do not take liver protection tablets for the time being. If transaminases are elevated, you can take liver protection tablets for liver protection. But any drug has a certain amount of harm to the body, so what we need to do is to have regular physical examinations. After taking the medicine, check liver and kidney regularly. FunctionIn fact, for people with normal liver function, it is not necessary to take Hugan tablets. For patients with viral hepatitis, Hugan tablets are also important As an adjuvant therapy, the root of its treatment is to fight against viruses.Non-infectious liver diseases such as alcoholic fatty liver, non-alcoholic fatty liver, and drug-induced liver injury can be cured by taking Hugan Tablets properly. But for patients with fatty liver, the most important thing is to improve their eating habits, rather than taking liver protection tablets randomly.Therefore, there are liver protection tablets. Certain and uncertain liver and kidney toxicity should be taken with caution, and long-term or excessive doses should not be taken; after taking the drug, patients should regularly check liver and kidney functions.< img class="content_title" height="300" layout="responsive" sizes="(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw" src="" ="600">Daily Liver Care PrecautionsThrough the above, we know that no matter how good liver care tablets are, but also If it can’t be used for a long time, how should we protect our liver in life!1. Pay attention to limit and quit drinkingLong-term heavy drinking will affect the Our liver health has a certain impact, and drinking alcohol can easily lead to alcoholic liver, paving the way for liver cancer, so we don’t drink if we don’t drink.2. Don’t use health care products indiscriminately< /span> It is said that medicines are poisonous. Taking too much of any medicine or health product will have a great impact on our liver. We must know that the liver is the largest metabolic organ in our body. Any health product we eat All need to be excreted through the liver. 3. Don’t eat moldy foodMoldy food contains a lot of aflatoxin, and aflatoxin is the strongest Therefore, when it comes to mold in life, we must not feel a pity and throw it away in time. After all, health is more important than anything. —End—Welcome to leave a message for discussiondon’t forget the end of the article[ClickLike] and [Watching]Oh~ span>