It’s time for Guyu health care

#Wonderful Knowledge Season#Gu Yu It is the sixth solar term in the twenty-four solar terms and the last solar term in spring.

At this time, the rain increases, the air humidity is higher, and the temperature rises. The health preservation should conform to the solar term characteristics of long yang and yin disappearing, rainy and humid.

Guyu Health “Three Essentials”

One ​​should exercise properly. Late spring and early summer is a good time to adopt the natural qi to nourish the sun. Walking is one of the most effective ways of exercise. It takes a wide walk in the courtyard, exhales the old and absorbs the new, so that the muscles and bones can be stretched.

Get up half an hour early on the second day. After the spring equinox, the sunshine time during the day gradually becomes longer, and people should also shorten their sleep time accordingly. Get up at dawn and do some outdoor exercise to help yang qi grow. If you feel sleepy during the day, take a nap to refresh your mind. Generally half an hour after lunch is better.

Three to avoid anger and avoid worry. During the Grain Rain season, you should also pay attention to mental health, avoid anger, avoid depression and worry, be open-minded, maintain a quiet state of mind, and listen to music to relax yourself.

Guyu Food Therapy

Darkmode-b3b3b3″>In the Grain Rain season, the principle of “nourishing the yang and nourishing the spleen, more sugar and less acid” should be followed. In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to invigorating the spleen and stomach.

1. Toon scrambled eggs

Toona sinensis in the Grain Rain season is mellow and refreshing, has high nutritional value, and has the effect of nourishing the liver and stomach.

2. Kelp pork ribs soup

During Grain Rain, the humidity is heavy, so it is recommended to eat more products that strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness.

3. Chicken liver porridge

Chicken liver is sweet and warm. Cooking porridge with high-quality japonica has the effect of nourishing blood, nourishing liver, warming middle and strengthening spleen.