It turns out that you are such a fetus, and the life in the mother’s womb is wonderful! Ha ha ha ha

The pregnancy preparation is successful, and the expectant mother has an “alien visitor” in her belly. Are you excited and curious as a parent?

You may be wondering: what is the fetus doing in the womb? They don’t have mobile phones, toys, playgrounds, and delicious food. Are they sleeping all the time, how boring?

Actually, the life of a fetus in the womb is richer than we imagined, so let’s have a look together!

More than 80%~90% of the time, babies are sleeping, and they can easily enter the dark environment in their wombs, accompanied by numb heartbeats. dreamland.

You think they are honest in their sleep?

No no no no!

They stretch, move their little hands, and move their little feet from time to time.

Sometimes he might be woken up by his mother shaking him.

When I don’t sleep, it’s even more noisy~

A tiny fetus living in amniotic fluid begins to swim around at 6 weeks, like a leisurely little seahorse.

It wasn’t until the third trimester that he had to end his synchronized swimming when he was large enough to fill the entire uterine cavity.

At 11 weeks, they had acquired some new skills: yawning and swallowing amniotic fluid.

The fetus is “swimming” in the amniotic fluid, and this yawn swallows the amniotic fluid.

You know, this amniotic fluid is his… pee wow~

But don’t worry! Fetal urine is different from that of adults, and drinking it will not have any adverse effects on the fetus. Moreover, fetuses need to rely on peeing and swallowing amniotic fluid to maintain the dynamic balance of amniotic fluid volume.

In addition to dealing with amniotic fluid in the womb, the only thing left for the fetus is the umbilical cord to play with and even circle around it.

The problem comes, so it is easy to have the umbilical cord wrapping around the neck or twisting the umbilical cord, causing the risk of hypoxia for the baby.


1. Umbilical cord around neck

Umbilical cord wrapping around the neck is a common complication in obstetrics. Among them, wrapping for 1 to 2 weeks is more common. Its occurrence is mostly related to excessive umbilical cord, small fetus, polyhydramnios and frequent fetal movement. related.

Having an umbilical cord around your neck does not necessarily mean your baby is in danger.

In most cases, when the umbilical cord is long and loosely wrapped, the umbilical cord around the neck may be freed during the movement of the fetus and will not cause any impact on the fetus.

But if the umbilical cord is short and tightly wound, it may endanger the baby’s life, and the more the umbilical cord is wound, the more serious the consequences will be. The leading cause of fetal death during the perinatal period (weeks before and after delivery). During the delivery process, the fetus may also experience difficulties in descending the presenting site and limited rotation of the fetal head because the umbilical cord wraps around the neck, which affects the progress of the labor process. If the umbilical cord is pulled too tightly during the descent, it may endanger the baby’s life.

When the umbilical cord is wrapped tightly, the baby will feel uncomfortable, he will keep moving around to find a comfortable position, and the expectant mother will have more frequent fetal movements Feel.

This is why, after 28 weeks of pregnancy, expectant mothers should count fetal movements every day.

Fetal movement refers to the movement of the fetus in the uterine cavity to impact the uterine wall. The fetus reaches out, kicks, and hits the uterine wall in the womb. This is fetal movement.

In general, primiparas can feel fetal movement around 20 weeks of pregnancy, while multiparous women can feel fetal movement as early as around 16 weeks because they have already had a pregnancy experience.

Fetal movement is an important part of clinical prenatal fetal monitoring technology.

To count the fetal movement, you can choose a fixed time in the morning, noon, and evening to monitor the fetal movement for 1 hour continuously. Add the fetal movement detected in these 3 hours and multiply it by 4. If you get A value ≥ 30 is considered normal.

It should be noted that when counting fetal movements, the continuous fetal movement within 5 minutes is counted once. In addition, if there is a sudden increase or decrease in fetal movement, it is best to seek medical attention immediately.

2. Twisted umbilical cord

Because the fetus will frequently turn over and move in the mother’s belly, which will make the normal umbilical cord spiral. If the mother’s abdominal wall is loose, the amniotic fluid is too much, and the space for the fetus to move is too abundant, it will The greater the movement of the fetus in the uterine cavity, the greater the number of twists of the umbilical cord.

The severity of umbilical cord torsion depends on how many turns of the umbilical cord. In general physiological umbilical cord torsion (<10 turns), the umbilical artery and umbilical vein are only slightly bent and compressed, generally not Affect blood supply; if there are too many torsion turns, the blood exchange between the fetus and the placenta will be blocked, which will affect the exchange of fetal nutrition and metabolites, causing fetal growth retardation, and even intrauterine distress and hypoxia, and intrauterine tragedy.

During the third trimester, expectant mothers can detect torsion of the umbilical cord through obstetric examinations and fetal movement monitoring.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the baby is already very sensitive to light. If there is light on the numb belly, he will not only open his eyes, but also turn his face to the direction of light. .

Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant women walk outside more often, so that the fetus can experience the outside world early.

At 24 weeks pregnant, your baby unlocks a new skill: listening to the outside world.

Therefore, during pregnancy, you might as well try to talk to the baby and play some soothing and beautiful music, which will also make the baby feel calm. This is what we call language prenatal education and music prenatal education.

28~32 weeks, when the fetal movement is the strongest, the mother can feel the punching and kicking of the baby every day, this feeling is sour!

It’s even more fun if it’s twins! In the ultrasound examinations of many twins, you can still see the babies “fighting”, kissing and other actions, and the drama is no less than after birth.

How about it, isn’t the world of the fetus also very colorful?

Finally, I remind mothers in the third trimester that they must have regular prenatal examinations, and pay attention to fetal movement and fetal heart rate at any time. Once there is a decrease in fetal movement and abnormal fetal heart rate, do not hesitate to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

May the lovely little angels be born safely under the care of Baba Ma Ma~