It is necessary to pay attention to the problem of elevated blood lipids. These 4 methods may reduce blood lipids

Hyperlipidemia, also known as hyperlipidemia, is one of the common diseases in endocrinology. In most cases, there are no obvious symptoms in the early stage of the disease, and it is mostly discovered during physical examination or complications. .

Although the treatment of hyperlipidemia is not difficult, it is easily affected by diet and bad living habits. Over time, plaque may even form, block blood vessels, and promote arteriosclerosis.

This is exactly the case. If the problem of elevated blood lipids is found, everyone must pay attention to it. Using the 4 methods mentioned below may be able to reduce blood lipids.

1. Control diet

High blood lipids The reason for this is closely related to the intake of too many high-fat foods on weekdays, so if you want to lower blood lipids;

First of all, you should control your diet, stay away from high-fat and high-cholesterol foods, and eat more fresh Vegetables and fruits, especially onions and tomatoes, contain vitamins needed by the human body, lycopene, and prostaglandin a, which help dilate blood vessels and accelerate blood circulation.

In addition, the intake of staple foods should also be controlled. It is recommended to replace some staple foods with potatoes, oats, and corn, which can not only enhance the sense of protection, but also promote gastrointestinal motility.

2. Drink more water

If you suffer from high blood lipids, you should drink more water, because the physiological operation of the human body and blood flow require water as a driving force, especially when the blood is too viscous, the flow speed will naturally decrease, so drink some Warm water can dilute the blood, thereby ensuring the normal blood flow rate.

Of course, in addition to drinking boiled water directly, you can also make tea with tea, hawthorn or corn silk. Especially green tea contains catechins, which can enhance the permeability of blood vessels. to prevent arteriosclerosis.

3. Keep exercising

< p> So far, the most effective and convenient way to lower blood lipids is to stick to exercise, because exercise can promote the consumption of lipids and accelerate blood circulation.

However, people of different ages have different ways to exercise. For the elderly, try to choose gentle aerobic exercise, such as Tai Chi, yoga or walking.

In addition, if you have no previous exercise foundation, don’t exercise for too long at the beginning. Under normal circumstances, you can stick to it for about 30 minutes, and as your body gradually adapts, you can moderate it. increase exercise duration.

Because of the relevant experimental data, sugar is mainly consumed 30 minutes before exercise, and fat can be fully burned after half an hour.

4. Take medicine as directed by the doctor

For For people who are overweight and have severe hyperlipidemia, the most important way to lower blood lipids is to take medication, because the continuous development of hyperlipidemia can easily lead to cerebral infarction and coronary heart disease. Only rational use of drugs can significantly control hyperlipidemia.

In addition, even if blood lipids have decreased, do not blindly change the dosage, otherwise blood lipids will rise again.

In conclusion, hyperlipidemia is a common disease, although short-term effects It is not big, but it is likely to block blood vessels if it accumulates over time, causing arteriosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhage and other diseases.

So I hope everyone will pay more attention. If you have inexplicable head dizziness, chest tightness and other symptoms recently, it is likely that blood lipids have increased.

At this time, it is necessary to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and at the same time drink more water, adjust the diet structure and insist on exercising, which may reduce blood lipids.