Is liver cancer diagnosed at an advanced stage? Repeated reminders: Regardless of men and women, there are 3 abnormalities in the morning, and nine out of ten the liver is cancerous

“Doctor, after I woke up in the morning, I often have diarrhea and abdominal pain, and my body is still very weak. Even if I go to bed early every day, this feeling of fatigue still exists,” said a man with a gloomy face.

The doctor observed for a moment and found that the man’s sclera was yellowish and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, so he immediately sent the man to the hepatobiliary department for an in-depth examination.

“How is this possible? Why is the advanced stage of liver cancer diagnosed suddenly?” Fortunately, the cancer cells have not yet metastasized. Unfortunately, the man needs to undergo chemotherapy. Considering the family situation, the man has no choice but to choose conservatively. treat.

Why is liver cancer diagnosed at an advanced stage? The doctor told the truth, I hope everyone will pay attention to it.

Data shows that about 80% of liver cancer patients do not know they have liver cancer, and 40% of patients are diagnosed with liver cancer when they are diagnosed. , It is often in the middle and late stages, and the optimal treatment time is missed. Why?

In fact, the occurrence of the above situations is mostly determined by the liver itself. Some studies have found that the liver itself does not have pain-sensing nerves, so that after liver damage, it cannot send pain signals in time, ignoring the health of the liver.

In addition, the regeneration function of the liver is also very good, resulting in only one-third of the liver damage, and it can maintain the normal operation of the liver function and maintain the operation of the body.

So is there really no trace of liver disease coming? In fact, it is not. Traditional Chinese medicine often says that “there is in the inside, and the action is in the outside”, and liver damage also follows this process.

Advice: There are 3 kinds of abnormality in the morning, and nine out of ten the liver is cancerous, don’t be careless

● Severe diarrhea

There is often diarrhea. Don’t think it’s just a gastrointestinal problem. It may also be caused by liver damage. The cancer of the liver will cause abnormal bile secretion and excretion, resulting in the inability to digest the food in the intestines in time.

If the time is too long, it may cause digestive problems and cause severe diarrhea. If the bile discharge is blocked, it will accumulate in the gallbladder too much, and bile salts will be easily precipitated. If this goes on like this, it will stimulate the blood vessel wall .

Itching is easy to occur, and itching is most obvious at night. After the above phenomenon occurs, please check the liver function in time without delay.

● Pain in the liver area

It is well known that liver pain generally does not appear, only in cirrhosis Or after the appearance of liver cancer, the volume of the liver is increased, the liver capsule surrounding the liver is stretched, and the peripheral nerves are put under pressure.

After a long time, it will cause tingling or dull pain in the liver area. Not only that, it will also affect the diaphragm and pull the nerves of the right shoulder, causing pain in the right shoulder.

Whether it is liver pain or right shoulder pain, over time, the pain area may become hot, which should be paid attention to.

● Strong yellow urine

Urine is mostly colorless or slightly yellow. The urine is thick yellow, maybe the liver is calling for help. This phenomenon is also called jaundice, which also includes yellowing of the sclera and skin.

The liver has a metabolic function, allowing the bilirubin in the body to be decomposed in time. After the liver has problems, it is easy to cause the liver function to decline, causing the bilirubin in the body to increase, and some bilirubin is excreted in the urine. .

Causes the appearance of thick yellow urine, the longer the time, the darker the yellow color will be, and may even cause symptoms such as peculiar smell of urine and dark stool.

Prevent liver damage and relieve hepatocellular lesions. What can be done in life?

First, add more trace elements

Secondly, actively participate in sports

After liver damage, it is necessary to maintain an appropriate amount of exercise every day. More exercise can promote lipids and relieve the burden of metabolizing fat in the liver. It can also reduce the appearance of fatty liver, which is good for the liver and body.

Not only that, regular participation in exercise can also increase the activity of liver cells, help damaged liver tissue to repair itself, and reduce the occurrence of liver disease or other diseases.

However, when exercising, you should pay attention to the control of the amount of exercise, do not exercise excessively, often excessive exercise will easily increase the burden on the body and affect the normal operation of the body.

Finally, pay attention to dietary adjustments

If you want to protect your liver, you should also pay attention to dietary adjustments and try to have good eating habits , Do not eat greasy, high-salt, high-sugar and other foods for a long time, these foods will seriously damage the liver.

Greasy food will increase lipids in the body, resulting in a decline in the liver’s ability to metabolize fat and promote the occurrence of fatty liver, while high-salt food will affect the function of liver cell division and cause the liver to gradually harden.

It is suggested that people with poor liver can add more green vegetables under the condition of maintaining a balanced diet, because green vegetables contain cellulose, which is helpful for the operation of the liver.