Is it right to eat less oil? How should people who are concerned about health choose the right oil? Here comes the truth

“I have high blood pressure and will try to eat less oil in the future.”

” Eating too much fat will lead to cardiovascular disease, so you can eat less if you can, and don’t eat if you can.”

“Choose to eat Oil, be sure not to choose edible oil rich in saturated fatty acids, otherwise it will only have adverse effects on health.”

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Under the current dietary conditions, whether we eat out frequently or eat at home, we will always inadvertently eat more fat , even bad grease. Because of this, many health methods advocate that everyone should eat less oil. However, is it right to eat less oil? In fact, this is not the case. In fact, the biggest key is to choose the right cooking oil.

First, is it right to eat less oil?

Fats are the three major nutrients along with protein and carbohydrates. These three nutrients are important because after they are broken down in the body, they become the energy necessary for life activities. 1g of protein and carbohydrates yields 4kcal of energy, and 1g of lipids yields 9kcal, more than double the energy. In other words, lipids are very energy efficient.

In addition, lipids are components of tissues, and cholesterol is a type of lipids, and is also a material for cell membranes and hormones, and supports fat-soluble vitamins. absorbed into the body. Despite these effects, lipids are often shunned as bad guys. The main reason is that lipids that cannot be consumed as energy accumulate in the body in the form of triglycerides. Because elevated blood lipids increase the risk of lifestyle-related diseases such as arteriosclerosis.

Therefore, we should pay attention to the percentage of fat intake. According to the “my country Dietary Intake Standard”, the target is 20%-30% of total fat in total daily energy. Estimated energy needs are 2650 calories for men (18-49), 1950 for women 18-29, and 2000 for women 30-49. In other words, aim to get 530-795 calories from fat for men and about 390-600 calories for women. This means that we should not consume too much or too little fat.

Second, saturated fatty acids are not just “bad guys”

< span>More importantly, we must also pay attention to the type of lipid. Fatty acids are roughly classified into “saturated fatty acids” and “unsaturated fatty acids”. Typical foods high in saturated fatty acids are meat fats and butter; unsaturated fatty acids are those found in vegetable oils and fish. Palm oil and other oils are rich in saturated fatty acids, but many other vegetable oils are rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

Medical studies have long believed that excessive intake of “saturated fatty acids” increases the risk of lifestyle-related diseases such as dyslipidemia and arteriosclerosis. Therefore, it is recommended to control saturated fatty acids to 1/4 to 1/3 or less of total lipids. In medicine, saturated fatty acids are divided into three categories: short-chain fatty acids, medium-chain fatty acids, and long-chain fatty acids.

In general, excessive intake of saturated fatty acids can lead to lifestyle diseases, but medium-chain fatty acids are easily burned as energy, so it is not easy to accumulate as fat. In addition, when medium-chain fatty acids are ingested, they are broken down in the liver into substances called ketone bodies. Ketone bodies also have the effect of detoxifying reactive oxygen species and can also be used to provide energy for the brain.

Like coconut oil is an exception to vegetable oils. In fact, more than half of the fatty acids in coconut oil are considered saturated. However, it also has various health benefits due to the fact that coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids. From this point of view, when we choose fats and oils, we should not only focus on saturated fatty acids, but on the amount of intake.

III. Table of iodine value and fat percentage of edible oil

A large number of foods high in saturated fatty acids are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease. The iodine value is higherSmall cooking oil means that the fat saturation is higher and more stable, and it is more suitable for high temperature frying. The sum of the three proportions of fat contained in the oil is not 100, because it still contains a small amount of other substances. Unsaturated fatty acids include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The higher the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the worse the oxidation stability.

Although the consumption of fats with higher saturation is more prone to cardiovascular diseases, from the point of view of food safety, the more saturated fats , The higher the oxidation stability, the safer the high-temperature fried food. Therefore, some scholars suggest that the intake of saturated and unsaturated fats in a one-to-one ratio will not only have stability, but also prevent cardiovascular disease, and achieve the greatest dual effect of nutrition and health.

Fourth, how should healthy people choose oil correctly?

In today’s era, the vast majority of people have begun to join the team of health preservation, and the principle of less oil is the principle of diet. In fact, excessive pursuit of lightness may sometimes make oneself unable to eat the nutrients required by the body, making it even more difficult to maintain health. Therefore, if you are really concerned about your health, then you must use cooking oil correctly.

1. Buy edible oil with guaranteed quality

When we go to the supermarket to buy edible oil, we must pay attention to the manufacturing date and expiration date, and do not buy bulk oil of unknown origin. In addition, we should judge whether the edible oil has deteriorated and should be discarded by observing the degree of viscosity of the edible oil, the strength of the oil consumption, the amount of foaming during heating, the change of color, and the degree of smoking.

2. Due to westernized diet, vegetable oil should be preferred

Regardless of saturation and unsaturated fats, they are high in calories. Excessive intake will accumulate in the body and cause obesity, which not only affects the appearance but also produces many complications (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.). In modern daily life, we have naturally ingested a considerable amount of animal fats from eating meat, so we no longer need to deliberately choose edible oils rich in saturated fatty acids, but prefer to choose vegetable oils, and cooking methods should be Avoid frying.

3. Choose different cooking methodstypes of cooking oil span>

It is well known that when cooking oil is placed in a pot for a period of time, it will sizzle. When this smoke occurs, we call it the smoke point. Once the smoke point is passed, the cooking oil will start producing harmful substances. However, because the smoke point of each oil is different, we must choose different types of cooking oil according to different cooking methods. Generally speaking, the most common cooking methods for low-temperature cooking are stir-frying, stewing, steaming, etc., so we often choose edible oils with a lower smoking point, such as linseed oil, olive oil, etc.; For frying, frying and other cooking methods, it is recommended to use edible oils with a high smoking point, such as bitter tea oil, brown rice oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, etc.

4. Multiple Rotation Oil

In fact, if everyone wants to eat healthy, in addition to choosing healthier ingredients, they should focus on cooking oil. In real life, most households tend to use one type of cooking oil. In fact, this is a very wrong approach. We must remember that different dishes require different cooking oils. For example, we usually use rapeseed oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, etc., as long as a variety of edible oils are used in turn, we can achieve a certain balance of fatty acid intake, and the nutrition is more diverse. #health star Program#


[1] “Food Safety” Why Eat Edible Oil? “. Anhui Drug Administration. 2018-11-13

[2] “Are trans fatty acids, saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids good or bad? An article makes it clear”. Food Safety Hunan. 2022-03-04

[3] “Determination of Iodine Value of Edible Oils”. Henan Provincial School of Light Industry. 2020-06- 06

[4] “Teach you to choose edible oil scientifically”. Xinhua News Agency Client. 2019-02-18

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