Irregular heart rhythm, sweating, thirst and dry throat, most of which are qi and yin injuries! A formula, clever solution

Today, in this article, I want to talk to you about the damage to the heart function due to excessive sweating.

Why do you say this?

Because it will be the beginning of summer in a while, and the weather is hot in summer, everyone likes to sweat.

Sweating normally, no problem. However, excessive sweating leads to abnormal visceral function, and intervention is necessary.

I tell this story below, and some readers may experience it firsthand.

There is such a patient, female.

She had a cold when she first started. After the cold was cured, she began to panic and sweat.

Usually shortness of breath, mental exhaustion, cough and less phlegm. When she goes to bed at night, she wakes up easily. When I woke up, my heart was beating wildly and I was sweating all over.

Going to the hospital for examination, the doctor said that there is sinus arrhythmia and premature beats, which is considered to be viral myocarditis.

The hospital prescribed medicine. Take the medicine, and it does work. But as long as he didn’t eat, he would immediately return to his old state, with palpitations and panic, and sweating all over his body. He was tortured to become paler and paler, and he didn’t dare to move at all. When I move, I feel palpitations.

In a blink of an eye, a year has passed. The patient suffers enough from the disease. In the end, they threw the medicine jar and decided to see a Chinese doctor and drink the decoction.

At the moment of diagnosis, the patient was found to have palpitations, pale face, sweating all over, shortness of breath, tiredness, thirst, dry throat, red tongue and thin pulse.

At this time, the doctor prescribed a prescription:

Dangshen, Ophiopogon japonicus, Schisandra, Zhigancao, Guizhi, Astragalus, Baishao, Jujube, Ejiao (Xianhua), Ginger.

One ​​dose per day, decocted in water, and taken in three doses. A total of 10 doses were prescribed.

As a result, after taking the medicine, the patient’s sweating was greatly reduced, the palpitation was significantly alleviated, and the physical condition became stable. After that, add or subtract a little on the basis of the original formula and continue to use it.

In this way, the patient took more than 60 doses of decoction continuously, the clinical symptoms disappeared completely, and the electrocardiogram showed normal.

This medical case, I will tell you all. Now I will talk about the knowledge behind this.

Look, this patient, the biggest problem is whether he likes to sweat?

Khan must be viewed from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine.

First, sweat is a form of body fluid. If you sweat a lot, it must hurt your body fluids.

Secondly, sweat, as body fluid, can carry gas. Therefore, when a lot of sweat is lost, people will be deficient in Qi. Your qi has flowed out with your sweat, can you not be suffocated? Where is the gas damaged? The answer is heart. Sweat is heart fluid. Heart fluid loss, heart qi damage.

Thirdly, sweat is a kind of body fluid. Body fluid and blood are of the same origin. Therefore, when we sweat too much, our blood is damaged, resulting in blood deficiency. The main blood vessels of the heart. Therefore, the damage to the heart is the most obvious.

Look, you can’t hurt this sweat, can you?

Now, the patient mentioned above just likes to sweat. Usually spontaneously sweating, suddenly woke up at night sweating. Over time, the result is a deficiency of body fluid, the so-called yin deficiency, as well as a deficiency of heart qi and blood.

How to knowDo you think she is sullen? Red tongue, thirst and dry throat, this is Yin deficiency. The complexion is pale and the pulse is thin, which is a deficiency of heart and blood.

Weakness, lethargy, shortness of breath, this is a deficiency of qi. Heart qi, heart blood is insufficient, she is flustered and heartbeat. Uneasy, so she wakes up easily in the middle of the night.

Physical activity drains her heart and blood, so she doesn’t dare to move, otherwise she will panic.

What’s worse is that qi dominates the shots. Prolonged sweating leads to qi deficiency, which makes the absorption of qi even more insufficiency, so body fluid cannot be absorbed more and more, and sweat becomes more and more. This is a vicious circle.

Seeing this, you may say that what you said was checked by others, and it was caused by myocarditis and arrhythmia. Does it need to be so cryptic?

The problem is, the patient is treated according to myocarditis and arrhythmia, and she has not improved at all! This requires us to look at the patient’s problem from another perspective and way of thinking. If the thinking changes, the effect of the treatment will change.

Alright. Since the patient’s problem belongs to the insufficiency of both qi and yin caused by excessive sweating, and the insufficiency of heart, qi, and blood, we have to replenish qi and yin to improve the state of the patient’s insufficiency of heart, qi, and blood. At the same time, sweating is also required.

Let’s take a look at how doctors prescribed prescriptions at that time-

Dangshen, Ophiopogon japonicus, Schisandra, Zhigancao, Guizhi, Astragalus, Baishao, Jujube, Ejiao (Xianhua), Ginger.

Here, Codonopsis, Ophiopogon japonicus and Schisandra are the compatibility of Shengmaisan.

Shengmai San is a formula specially formulated to improve Qi and Yin deficiency. Codonopsis radix nourishes qi, Ophiopogon japonicus nourishes yin, and Schisandra chinensis nourishes heart qi and heart yin. The remaining medicinal materials have the shadow of Zhigancaotang.

Zhigancao Decoction is a classic formula used to nourish the heart, blood and Qi, and warm the heart and yang. Among them, Zhigancao and Astragalus nourish the heart, Guizhi warms the heart and yang, and Ejiao and jujube nourish the heart. Paeonia lactiflora and Schisandra chinensis are used to stop sweating.

Ginger and jujube strengthen the spleen and stomach and enhance the source of qi and blood biochemistry. That’s the basic intent.

Why did I choose this formula and case, and tell you in detail?

Still because it makes sense.

In our lives, there are such people: We are particularly fond of sweating, and once we sweat, we cannot stop, accompanied by thirst, dry throat, palpitation and palpitations jumping phenomenon.

When I fall ill, I feel exhausted and unable to move. To the hospital to check, said arrhythmia, premature beats. Look at the face, pale. Look at the tongue, red. Look at the pulse is thin.

What should I do at this time? In addition to going to the hospital for routine examinations, I suggest that everyone take the time to see a Chinese medicine practitioner to see if you are suffering from both qi and yin injuries and lack of heart, qi, and blood.

The cases and prescriptions I mentioned earlier are examples of this. I hope you can understand it, see through it, you need to understand the ins and outs of this issue.

In this way, when I go to the doctor, I will have a little look. This compatibility in the text, non-professional readers, should still be used for reference and application under the guidance of TCM doctors. You yourself, it’s better not to try it lightly.

Drugs based on syndrome differentiation are, after all, a very professional thing and should not be chosen blindly.

Of course, you can’t say that as long as I sweat a lot, don’t like to move, and feel uncomfortable, it must be a combination of qi and yin, and a lack of heart, qi and blood. The more you guess like this, the easier it is to take medicine indiscriminately.

Get it around, if you wrap yourself in it, you will be in trouble. The most direct way is to see a Chinese medicine doctor, take a look at it, and listen to everyone’s opinions.

Alright. That’s all I have to say about this.