Investigation of conflicts and disputes involving enterprises in Yakeshi City; Chenbaerhu Banner Justice Bureau strengthens legal aid services

Yakeshi Non-litigation Dispute Mediation Center conducts in-depth investigation of enterprise-related conflicts and disputes

A few days ago, Yakeshi Non-litigation Dispute Mediation Center conducted in-depth investigation of enterprise-related conflicts and disputes.

Yakeshi Non-litigation Dispute Mediation Center went deep into Yakeshi Thermal Power Plant of Hulunbuir Antai Thermal Power Co., Ltd. and held a symposium. The person in charge of the center publicized and interpreted the main content of the “Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment” to the enterprise, understood the various conflicts and disputes encountered by the enterprise in the development, and put forward legal opinions and suggestions in a timely manner. In response to the collected enterprise conflicts and disputes, the Yakeshi Non-litigation Dispute Mediation Center has established a conflict and dispute investigation ledger, established a professional mediation team, established a targeted mediation plan for various conflicts and disputes, and carried out conflict and dispute mediation work in a timely manner , and give full play to the role of people’s mediation as the first line of defense in maintaining social harmony.

By carrying out the investigation of enterprise-related conflicts and disputes, the “tentacles” of the investigation of conflicts and disputes have been extended to every corner, and the “passive disposal after the event” has been changed into “proactive prevention before the event”. ”, maximize the efficiency of dispute mediation, and give full play to the role of people’s mediation organizations and people’s mediators.

Strengthen legal aid services to create a “horizontal to side to vertical” legal aid landscape

Hulunbuir City Chenbaerhu Banner Justice Bureau established and improved in all relevant functional departments of the banner Legal Aid Workstation, and held a licensing ceremony for Legal Aid Workstation on April 1.

Chen Balhu Banner Bureau of Justice awarded licenses to 12 legal aid workstations in the banner, extending legal aid services to courts, procuratorates, detention centers and other case-handling agencies and the Disabled Persons’ Federation, Women’s Federation, Trade Union, Youth League Committee, Ministry of Human and Armed Forces, Education and Sports Bureau, Veteran Affairs Bureau and other industry functional departments, to achieve the work goals of “the masses will travel less, one-stop comprehensive, convenient and timely, and effective assistance”. At present, the legal aid work of Chen Qi Judicial Bureau has initially formed a legal aid pattern of “horizontal to edge, vertical to the end”.

The meeting emphasized that under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thought on the rule of law, the political position should be further improved, and the effective connection between legal aid and case-handling agencies and functional departments should be strengthened. Accelerate the construction of the “joint construction and sharing” public legal service system, and effectively enhance the people’s sense of gain, happiness, and security. It is necessary to improve the measures for the convenience and benefit of the people, broaden the application channels, simplify the procedures and procedures, enrich the service content, realize the rapid application of legal aid, the simplification of examination and approval, and the zero-distance service, realize the “all-in-one” legal aid, and promote the normalization of legal aid for the convenience of the people. .

The Legal Aid Workstation combines assistance, mediation, litigation and legal publicity to build a legal aid working mechanism with multi-participation, complementary advantages, and synergy. Legal consultation, accepting and transferring legal aid applications, carrying out publicity for rights protection and the rule of law, and legal aid publicity, etc., effectively provide the masses with more high-quality, convenient and efficient legal aid services.