Intestine is the most susceptible organ in the human body.

The most vulnerable organ in the human body is not the heart, not the liver, but the intestines.

The gut is the second brain Contains 99% of the nutrients required by the human body. Therefore, if you want to live a long life, you must first achieve “intestinal longevity”. As the saying goes: “If you want to have no disease, your intestines will be free of scum, and if you want to live a long life, your intestines will always be clear.” This shows how important intestinal health is to everyone.

Whether adults or children, the most common intestinal Illness is diarrhea. Studies have shown that the intestinal age of most people in my country is 10 years older than the actual age, and 30% of them have suffered from different degrees of intestinal diseases, mainly manifested as constipation, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, loss of appetite , diarrhea, defecation odor, bad breath, rough and dull complexion, etc.

The gut is the largest detoxification organ in the human body, responsible for Most of the body’s detoxification tasks. Healthy gut, longevity.


Drink more water

Drinking water not only promotes blood circulation in the body, but also facilitates intestinal detoxification.

The golden time to drink water to promote intestinal health is in the morning. A glass of water in the morning can stimulate the gastrocolic reflex, thereby inducing natural defecation and facilitating defecation.


Change bad habits

Chew your meal slowly, don’t smoke, drink, don’t eat too much spicy and spicy food, and try to eat less pickled food And take-out, eat less overly processed food, don’t overeat, eat lightly, avoid staying up late, and don’t eat too much before going to bed, so as not to increase the burden on the intestines.


Eat appropriate dietary fiber

Research shows that people consume 20 to 30 grams of dietary fiber food per day (30 grams of dietary fiber requires 500 grams of vegetables or 250 grams of fruits), such as oats, brown rice, and green vegetables, can effectively reduce the risk of esophageal cancer and stomach cancer.

Foods rich in dietary fiber can effectively clean up intestinal harmful substances and adjust intestinal bacteria, thereby effectively relieving constipation.


Pay attention to maintenance after meals

It is well known that strenuous exercise after meals will affect the digestion and absorption of food, and even lead to diseases such as stomach cramps; Exercising, food will irritate the gastric mucosa, causing stomach pain and bloating, causing a series of stomach problems.

A 30-minute break after meals is beneficial Enhance intestinal resistance. The rest here does not mean sleeping immediately, but sitting quietly or standing against a wall.

Have a moderate walk half an hour after a meal , will not cause stomach shock, can promote the digestion of food. One hour after a meal, you can walk and jog, and two hours after a meal, you can do a lot of exercise, such as running and playing ball, which can speed up defecation and delay the aging of the intestines.


Do levator exercises often

What is levator ani? It is what we often call the contraction of the anus. The levator ani exercise can help strengthen the muscle strength of our pelvic floor and improve the relaxation of the rectal mucosa, thereby effectively preventing hemorrhoids and some perianal diseases.

The correct way to lift the anus is: Tighten the anus for 2 to 6 seconds and then relax, and adhere to 3 to 5 groups a day, 10 to 15 times per group.


Gut also needs rest days

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Plan a “rest day” for your gut. Select a “rest day” every 10 days or so, only eat vegetables and fruits, and avoid spicy and greasy.

Eat only 70% to 80% full each time, let the intestines While resting, it can also regularly clean up the food residues in the intestinal tract, so that the intestinal tract can be effectively maintained (if the blood sugar is unstable, do not use this method).