Install equipment in public places to catch sudden cardiac death “first aid for three minutes”

Sudden cardiac death is the most common cause of death worldwide, accounting for 20% of the total mortality and more than 50% of the total cardiovascular mortality. Globally, there are 4 to 5 million cases of sudden cardiac death every year. The incidence of sudden cardiac death in my country is 41.84/100,000, and the number of sudden deaths per year reaches 544,000.

“The cause of death of sudden cardiac death is mostly arrhythmia, arterial dissecting aneurysm and rupture of cerebral blood vessels, with rapid onset, rapid progress and dangerous condition. Sudden cardiac death is usually There is a lack of early warning symptoms, so it is impossible to prevent, and most of them occur outside the hospital, and patients often die on the spot.” Liu Yanping, a representative of the Municipal People’s Congress, introduced that the prime time for rescue of sudden cardiac death is in the first 3 to 5 minutes of the event. Defibrillation for rescue. For every minute of delay in treatment, the survival rate of patients decreased by 7% to 10%. There is a 50% chance of saving a patient’s life if an AED is used correctly during prime time.

Liu Yanping suggested that our city install and use automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in crowded public places. The first is to implement the promotion and application of automatic external defibrillators, and to configure automatic external defibrillators in crowded places and institutions, schools, pension institutions, etc.; , Publicity expenses are included in the government budget; third, the use of automatic external defibrillator training is included in the first aid training plan, and the training is arranged in a unified manner and at different levels.