Insomnia, night dreams, easy to frighten, with Baizi Yangxin Pill, no matter how stubborn insomnia can be solved

As the saying goes: “Medicine is worse than food, and food is worse than sleep.”

It can be seen that good sleep is important to physical health. A person can only drink water without eating for several days. If you let him not sleep for two days, he will not be able to bear it, and his spirit will collapse.

Similarly, from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, sleep is also very important. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the unity of nature and man, and sleeps at sunrise. , to rest at sunset, which is very difficult for modern people to do. On the other hand, modern people have turned black and white upside down, and day and night are not separated.

When you sleep at night, you are accumulating energy. During the day, you are releasing energy for work, study, and entertainment. The balance of yin and yang is achieved. You see that children are jumping up and down every day, running around and getting old, as if they have endless energy, why? It is because the children sleep well, every child sleeps on their backs, and slept until the third day of the next day before waking up, accumulating the energy of the night, and starting to release it again.

Looking at today’s adults, it is very difficult to have children’s sleep, even if they barely fall asleep, they can’t sleep well. Dreaming one by one, a little bit of trouble will wake up, why is this? Because today’s adults are really working too hard, although today’s material life has been greatly satisfied, the pressure is also proportional to the pressure on the shoulders of car loans and mortgages, and they have to work hard for work. Excessive work will inevitably drain the heart and blood, resulting in insufficient heart and blood.

What is the heart? The “heart” of Chinese medicine is different from the “heart” of Western medicine. The heart in Western medicine refers to the heart. Heart in TCM refers to the heart and the functions associated with it. For example, Chinese medicine believes that: “The heart controls the blood vessels, and the heart stores the spirit.

What is “the heart stores” God”? It means that the heart is the house of the “mind” and the home of the “mind”. Only when the heart is full of effort can the “mind” stay in the house of “heart”, and people can sleep soundly.

It is said that there is no word “easy” in the world of adults, and children are carefree, so they You can sleep soundly at night and have fun during the day. Because adults face the pressure of work and life, they consume too much effort and energy, so adults can’t sleep well and sleep well. How can they treat children like children? to get back the sleep?

In fact, this is really not difficult. There is a special formula for adjusting the heart. This formula is also very common now. Many friends should have heard of it. , this recipe is the famous recipe through the ages – Bozi Yangxin Pill.

Bozi Yangxin Pill comes from the “Ancient and Modern Medical System” written by Xu Chunfu, an imperial physician in the Ming Dynasty. Efforts, peace of mind, is equivalent to strengthening the mind and decorating the house, giving the mind a home, allowing this restless heart to calm down and stay honest.

Okay, let’s analyze the formula of Baizi Yangxin Pill!

Composition: Boziren, Codonopsis, Astragalus, Chuanxiong, Angelica, Poria, Zhiyuanzhi, Suanzaoren, Cinnamon, Vinegar Schisandra , Pinellia song, Zhigancao, cinnabar.

The recipe looks like a mess, so it’s easy to understand by sorting it out for you today.

Medicines are like using soldiers, we can regard these medicinal materials as our soldiers, and we use them to complete a combat mission – nourishing the heart and soothing the mind .

Let’s first divide this recipe into three combat teams.

The first team, Nourishing Heart and Anshen Team: Bai Ziren, Suanzaoren.

They all say “to fight tigers, brothers, father and son soldiers to fight”. Suanzaoren and Bai Ziren are a classic combination, just like a pair of brothers, inseparable and complementary. As the name suggests, sour jujube seed is sour, which can restrain the yin and mind, restrain the mind, and do not run out, so that people can sleep well. The classic recipe for insomnia, Suanzaoren Decoction, uses a large dose of Suanzaoren to calm the mind and turn the tide, and finally achieved a generation of famous recipes.

What is Bai Ziren? You must have heard of arborvitae leaves for hair care, right? Cypress arborvitae and arborvitae leaves come from the same plant, arborvitae, except that cypress arborvitae uses seeds and arborvitae leaves from young leaves. Bai Ziren is similar in effect to Suanzaoren. Suanzaoren tends to astringe, while Baiziren is cheap and beneficial, and it is better at nourishing blood, heart and yin, and supplementing it. God’s house has been built. With a comfortable house to live in, who would want to run outside?

The second team, qi and blood supplements: Codonopsis, Astragalus, Angelica, Chuanxiong, Schisandra.

Danggui is already familiar to many friends. Angelica is a regular army that nourishes yin and nourishes blood. It can nourish the yin and blood of the internal organs. All the symptoms of blood deficiency can be solved with Angelica sinensis. Of course, if the blood does not activate blood, it is a pool of dead blood. Therefore, we have invited Chuanxiong, which promotes qi and activates blood, to make the blood circulate.Infuse the whole body.

Many people only know that Codonopsis and Astragalus are both qi tonifying, in fact, both of them can also nourish blood and promote body fluid. Traditional Chinese medicine says “< strong>Qi is the commander of blood, and blood is the mother of qi“, if either side is deficient, it will inevitably affect the other side, so an experienced doctor sees people with qi deficiency or blood deficiency, and they will have qi and blood Complement.

Of course, it’s just a blind supplement, and it’s a waste of time to supplement and leak. The astringent schisandra has five flavors, and the five flavors enter the five internal organs, so the schisandra has a tonic effect on the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney, but the overall taste of schisandra is still slightly sour, with strong astringent properties, tonic It does not leak, so many prescriptions for tonic for deficiency like to add schisandra.

Heart yin, blood, and qi have all been replenished. Is it still worse for heart yang? Which medicine should I use? Cinnamon is suitable here. Cinnamon warms the middle and disperses cold, which can warm up the heart yang, spleen yang and kidney yang. Cinnamon also has an important feature, which can “encourage the growth of qi and blood, and enhance the effect of tonic medicine”.

The third team, dampness and phlegm: Polygala, Poria, Pinellia.

The most wonderful thing about this recipe is that the three herbs of Yuanzhi, Poria, and Pinellia are added. All three herbs can be used. Dispel dampness and resolve phlegm. Phlegm is divided into visible phlegm and invisible phlegm. All that can be coughed up through coughing are visible phlegm. Others are invisible phlegm. Intangible phlegm is the most difficult to remove. But it is absolutely necessary. If you leave it alone, it will cause mischief in the body, and it will collude with qi stagnation and congestion to produce nodules, hyperplasia, cysts, fibroids, etc.The disadvantage of invisible phlegm is that it will disturb the Our minds are distracting, insomnia and dreamy, and even crazy and nonsense.

Therefore, Polygala, Poria and Pinellia are used here to dispel dampness and resolve phlegm. It can also strengthen the spleen and fundamentally solve the source of phlegm. Pinellia can deal with stubborn old phlegm, stubborn phlegm and phlegm nucleus.


If you encounter a comparison What about stubborn insomnia? Blindly cinnabar is used here. Cinnabar is important for calming the nerves. For the more stubborn nervousness, it is really necessary to use cinnabar to suppress the mind, and then use the previous medicine to nourish qi and blood to slowly adjust. The cinnabar here can be understood as used for Treating both symptoms and symptoms is the biggest feature of this recipe.

There are so many kinds of medicines, what should I do if they quarrel together with those that soothe the nerves, nourish the blood, nourish the Qi, and reduce the phlegm? At this time, we should invite our old friend Licorice to act as a “peacemaker” to mediate in the middle and ease the relationship.

The whole recipe is introduced here. It is especially suitable for people with excessive consumption of qi and blood, insufficient qi and blood in the heart, and uneasy heart.

This type of insomnia is different from ordinary insomnia and has the following characteristics:

1. The more tired you are, the less you can sleep

This is in traditional Chinese medicine It is called “If you are troubled, you will be Zhang”, Zhang is to spread out, especially at night, the yang should be inward and should return to the standard. However, if you are troubled with yang energy, you cannot return to your place, and what will happen if you do not return to your place? will slowly dissipate. ”

2. I have many dreams when I fall asleep, but I can’t sleep well

< p data-track="81">This is also a manifestation of deficiency of blood and mind, and there is also a saying that “yang does not enter yin”. Live in the heart.

3. Very timid and easily frightened

People like this are always startled and inexplicably scared. As the saying goes, cowardice is actually a guilty conscience. This kind of cowardice is different from the cowardice of Wendantang , Wendantang is afraid of the dark, and cowardly here is afraid of being alone.

4. The color of the tongue is light

4. strong>

Because of lack of qi and blood, the tongue image shows a virtual pale tongue.

If you have these characteristics, you can consider using Baizi Yangxin Pills for conditioning.

Traditional Chinese medicine treats diseases by focusing on the pathogenesis, regardless of the name of the doctor. As long as the pathogenesis is in line with the lack of qi and blood, the formula of Baizi Yangxin Pill can be used, especially for the heart, such as bad temper, irritability people; people who sleep irregularly and often stay up late; people who work busy and hard, and are under great pressure; women who are flustered, anxious, and restless during menopause, etc.

Bozi Yangxin Pill has a patented medicine, you can buy it in any pharmacy, please be sure to buy one with the approved brand name of Chinese medicine, because Bozi Yangxin Pill contains cinnabar, so it cannot be If you take it for too long, you can usually take it for one to two weeks. Generally speaking, you can recover 80 to 90% within two weeks, and the rest can be treated with Guipi Pills.

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