“Identify Popular Health Rumors on the Internet”

“2022 Online Rumor Debunker Qualification Exam” starts now, and this test paper will comprehensively test your “anti-rumor” ability. The test is limited to 10 minutes and the full mark is 100. Please prepare the answering tool and start answering the questions.

Exam answers will be announced at Thursday (tomorrow) at 18:00 in the Nutshell Live Room, please be sure to click the Reservation button. to avoid missing out.

*”Let’s open! Guoke Diagnosis and Chat Room” is a series of live programs launched by Guoke. Every Thursday evening at 18:00 is a fixed broadcast, inviting experts and scholars in various fields to chat with you about health topics.


(Spoilers only)

One, multiple choice questions

1. The following hair growth methods are reliable:

A. Ginger smears the scalp

B. Oral finasteride

C, eat black sesame seeds

D. Minoxidil

E, Forward Koi

F, obtuse angle

2. Which of the following girlfriends is credible:

Girlfriend A: Don’t use hyaluronic acid in winter, it will freeze when the temperature is too low

Girlfriend B: Shaving armpits increases breast cancer rates

Girlfriend C: Sit down immediately after exercising, your butt will get bigger~

Girlfriend D: Stem cell cosmetics have better anti-aging effect

Girlfriend E: Massage with essential oils can enhance breasts

Girlfriend F: Face-lifting acupuncture will make the face stiff

Girlfriend G: Often wearing lipstick can lead to lead poisoning

Girlfriend H: The words above are not credible

II. Situational essay questions

Each of the following situational dialogue contains several scientific errors, please point out. 1 point is awarded for each mistake and 1 point is deducted for each mistake.

1. Love

——Husband, my aunt has come to visit these two days. It’s so uncomfortable.

——I feel sorry for my baby, I will go back to soak you in brown sugar and warm water, and bring you some red dates to nourish blood

——Kiss my husband, can you bring me something delicious? It’s not easy to gain weight by eating during my period.

—no problem! wait for my return!

——But after a few days of safety, can we not wear them…


2. Before marriage

——Dear, you said that when we get married in the future, do you want a boy or a girl?

──Um…I can do it…

——I read on the Internet that I have an acidic constitution and will have boys, do you like it~

──…Baby, there is something I need to confess to you

—what happened?

——I went to the hospital for examination this time, and the doctor said that I have oligospermia, and we can’t have children in the future

—Shocked! I thought I thought I couldn’t conceive because I was vaccinated!

——I’ll let you drink less Coke!

——It’s too late for you to leave me now.

—what did you say! We are together the most important! I’ll buy some broad beans and bullwhip for you to make up for!

——-Exam Ends——-

Answer will be announced this Thursday (tomorrow) at 18:00 in the Nutshell Live Room. All students please be on time.

Future Business Plan

From now on every Thursday at 18:00, “Open! Nutshell Diagnosis Chat Room” will be broadcast on time. We invite an expert and scholar every week to chat with you about a health topic – from head to toe, from the inside to the outside, what you care about, what you don’t care about, what you know you should care about, and what you don’t know you should care about Topic – we all talk about it!

Click on the official account of Nutshell and click [Video Number: Nutshell] to make an appointment for live broadcast


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