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Jackfruit is a kind of fruit that tastes sweet, because it has a very good taste and taste, and has a faint aroma, so many people like it very much. People who eat pineapple buns often have an understanding of the benefits of pineapple buns. There are many ways to eat jackfruit. In addition to eating it directly, it can also be made into delicious food. Some people are not suitable for eating jackfruit. What are its taboos?

Benefits of jackfruit

1. It is beneficial to lose weight and lose weight. There are rich nutrients in jackfruit. These nutrients contain vitamins and natural minerals needed by the human body. When these substances are in the body, they can promote food. Digestion and absorption, and the substances in jackfruit can also acidify fat very well.

2. Improve local body fluid circulation in the body. Many people should not know that jackfruit can improve local body fluid circulation, mainly because it can enhance the hydrolysis of protein in the body In this way, the fibrin and blood clots blocked in the blood vessels can be dissolved. Regular eating jackfruit can improve the local blood and body fluid circulation.

3. Nourish the skin. People who love beauty can eat more jackfruit at ordinary times. Jackfruit is rich in vitamin B. This substance can nourish the skin. If you find symptoms of dry and cracked skin, everyone It is possible to moisturize the skin by eating jackfruit.

4. Delay aging. The antioxidants contained in jackfruit can reduce the damage of cell genetic information by free radicals, and have certain anti-oxidative and anti-aging effects.

5, enhance immunity, vitamin C rich in jackfruit can enhance the function of white blood cells and enhance human immunity.

6, clearing the stomach, there is a protease in jackfruit that can promote the decomposition of food, accelerate gastrointestinal motility, and has certain benefits for the stomach and intestines that are not suitable for constipation.

How to eat jackfruit

Stuffed with glutinous rice

Jackfruit can also be made into “Stuffed with Glutinous Rice” Jackfruit” is to prepare half a jackfruit with a little sticky rice, white sugar and chicken fat. Soak the glutinous rice in clean water for one night beforehand, scoop out the pulp of the jackfruit, and put it in the refrigerator. The next day, the chicken oil and glutinous rice should be mixed together and steamed over high heat until it boils, then steamed over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then stir the white sugar and steamed glutinous rice together, and when the white sugar is completely melted, put it in the refrigerator. After standing for a period of time, dig out the seeds inside the jackfruit and add glutinous rice, and it is ready to eat. This jackfruit glutinous rice not only tastes sweet, but also matches yellow and white. It is really delicious and has very high nutritional value.

Braised pigeon with jackfruit