How to relieve stomach pain These pain relief methods will not let stomach pain trouble you

Stomach pain is a very common symptom in our lives. When stomach pain occurs, everyone will feel very uncomfortable, but some people do not pay attention to it. How to relieve stomach pain? There are many reasons for people to have stomach pain, such as stomach pain diseases, and hunger. Stomach pain patients should pay attention to their diet, what food is good to eat?

How to relieve stomach pain

1. Drink more hot water: hot water is good for the body , Drinking hot water in life can relieve dysmenorrhea. It also has a role in improving stomach pain. So after you find that you have stomach pain, you can drink more hot water, which can temporarily relieve pain symptoms and hyperacidity. Caused by stomach pain, drinking hot water can also dilute stomach acid.

2. Squat down and press the stomach: If you find that your stomach is starting to hurt, a better solution is to find a place to squat down, and then Keep your body close to your thighs and press your stomach with your hands. This method can relieve stomach pain and effectively improve the symptoms of stomach pain.

3. Taking stomach medicines: There are many reasons for people’s stomach pains, and different people have different factors for stomach pains. To reduce stomach pain symptoms, patients should use their own medicines under the guidance of doctors. However, we must not blindly take medication, otherwise it may aggravate the stomach pain.

4. Hot water bottle: Some stomach pains are caused by stomach cold. At this time, you can use a hot water bottle to warm your stomach, which will improve the symptoms of stomach pain.

Causes of stomach pain

1. Stomach ulcers and indigestion

Stomach pain is common in stomach ulcers symptoms. In addition, stomach ulcer symptoms include bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Indigestion can be caused by acid reflux, stomach ulcers, or stomach cancer. But eating high-acid foods can increase stomach acid, which can also lead to indigestion.

2. Gallstones

Gallstones can also be the cause of stomach pain. Gallstones are stones that form in the gallbladder and can cause the gallbladder to swell. The pain is severe after eating high-fat foods and may be exacerbated by exercise.

3. Gastritis

Having gastritis causes inflammation of the stomach lining and stomach pain. Acute gastritis is usually caused by bacterial infection and can be treated with medication. If the lining of the stomach is constantly irritated, it can lead to chronic disease.

4. Stomach infection

The lining of the stomach may also become infected, leading to symptoms of pain and inflammation. This can also cause many other symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, and heartburn. If you think you may have a stomach infection, antibiotics can help you recover. It should be noted that antibiotics are also harmful to the stomach and may destroy the beneficial bacteria in the stomach.

5. Eating too much

Eating too much can make a person feel unwell, feeling overtired, nauseous or stomach aches. In this case, taking a break to allow the food to digest can ease the stomach pain. In order to prevent stomach pain, eat slowly, and be careful not to eat too much.