How to regulate high cholesterol 4 ways to lower cholesterol must not be missed

In life, most people should have heard some people say that they or the people around them have high cholesterol. It is now a common problem in society. How should people with high cholesterol be recuperated? There are many reasons for high cholesterol, everyone should pay attention to what foods are good for people with high cholesterol?

How to deal with high cholesterol

1 、Dietary conditioning

People with high cholesterol should pay attention to their own diet in life, and it is very important to adjust the diet structure in time. Most friends with high cholesterol like to eat high-calorie and high-fat foods. Always eating such foods will affect the health of the body and aggravate the symptoms of high cholesterol.

If you find that you have friends with high cholesterol, you should pay attention to bland foods. You can often eat high protein and high fiber foods, but also eat less high Fatty foods, everyone should eat less fatty meat in life. Foods such as animal offal and good eating habits can prevent cholesterol from rising again.

2. Taking medicines

Once you have friends with high cholesterol, you should take related medicines in your life. The choice of medicine should be based on the doctor’s guidance, and use the medicine that suits you. This can reduce the harm of cholesterol to the body to a certain extent. Everyone should use the medicine that suits you.

3. Lose weight

Many patients with high cholesterol are obese, and obese people are more prone to some diseases. The common types of diseases are Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and three high diseases. Therefore, patients with high cholesterol should pay special attention to weight control in their daily life. Mainly from the two aspects of diet and exercise, diet must pay attention to control calories. Going for a walk or running every day after meals can help you maintain your weight better and keep your cholesterol levels normal in the long run.

4. Scientific sports

Although patients with high cholesterol should pay attention to strengthening exercise, exercise is not blind exercise. Scientifically appropriate exercise. A good way is to do an hour of aerobic exercise every day, which can not only improve the heart and lung function, but also improve the body’s immunity, which is of great help in controlling the level of cholesterol.

Causes of high cholesterol

First, being overweight. Excessive weight indicates that the human body is obese. Obesity in the human body is mainly caused by excessive triglyceride content in the body, which will promote the increase of bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) in the body.

Second, lack of exercise. Lack of exercise will increase the body’s low-density lipoprotein, reduce the absorption of high-density lipoprotein, forming a vicious circle.

Third, genetic factors. Family members with high cholesterol are more likely to have high cholesterol themselves. According to survey statistics, an average of 500 normal people will have hereditary hypercholesterolemia.

Fourth, dietary factors. Diet is a direct and important factor in raising cholesterol. A poor diet can lead to elevated cholesterol, mostly related to excess intake of saturated fat.