How to regulate emotions during the epidemic

Cold is a very common disease now. Everyone catches a cold several times a year. After getting a cold, everyone needs to improve as soon as possible. How to treat it at this time? There are many reasons that cause people to catch a cold. There is also a cold problem. People who have a cold should pay attention to their diet. What food is good to eat?

How to treat a cold

First, Clean the nasal cavity

After you have a cold, you can wash your nasal cavity with salt water, which can wash out the viruses in the nasal cavity, reduce the continuous invasion of bacteria into the nasal cavity, and avoid the Bacteria enter the body. Using this method in the early stage of a cold will have a good effect and can also prevent the cold from getting worse.

Second, supplement chicken soup

Friends who have a cold should supplement their body with chicken soup, which can Inhibiting inflammation of the throat and respiratory tract, etc., can also avoid the symptoms of nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing caused by colds. There are various amino acids in chicken soup, which are also rich in nutritional value. Persistent drinking can improve immunity.

Third, eat more white radish

Squeeze the white radish juice and mash it with ginger juice, add some sugar and honey in it, and then add it Stir well, drink it three times a day, and take it for two consecutive days to clear away heat and detoxify, and it can also play a very good role in expelling cold, and is effective for treating colds.

Fourth, drink sugar ginger tea

Brown sugar, ginger, and black tea are put together, boiled with water, drink once or twice a day, you can Repels cold, can play the effect of fighting against cold and flu.

Fifth, ingest honey

Studies show that honey contains a variety of biologically active substances, which can To stimulate the body’s immune function, honey can be taken once or twice a day to reduce virus invasion, but it should be noted that babies under one year old are not recommended to drink it.

Causes of colds

1. High-protein diets are prone to colds: regular intake of some high-protein foods can cause colds, such as chickens, ducks, fish, etc. , should also pay attention to some high-fat, high-sugar foods.

2. Craving for salty food is prone to colds: Salt can reduce saliva secretion and oral lysozyme. The function of epithelial cells is inhibited due to the osmotic effect of sodium salts.

3. Improper medication is easy to catch a cold: antipyretic analgesics, antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, anesthetics and anti-cancer drugs have varying degrees of inhibition on human immune function. Abusing these drugs will reduce the body’s immune system. Disease resistance, making people susceptible to colds.

4. Hands are the main way of spreading colds: Since there are many bacteria on hands, it is also the main way to spread diseases. In daily life, everyone should pay attention to their own hygiene habits.