How to prevent stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is a kind of cancer with a high incidence rate, and the effect of treatment is not ideal. Therefore, early prevention of this type of disease is the key. How to prevent gastric cancer? Ordinary stomach problems are similar. Patients with gastric cancer should pay attention to their diet. What food is good to eat?

How to prevent gastric cancer

1. Eat less pickles Products

Nowadays, many people like to eat smoked, roasted and pickled foods. If you always eat such foods, it is likely to increase the risk of stomach cancer. If you want to prevent this When this kind of disease appears, everyone should eat less pickled food in life, and often eat fresh fruits and vegetables in life.

2. Eat less cold drink products

Cold drink products will cause damage to our stomach after eating Stimulation, if you eat a lot of cold foods, it will increase the symptoms of stomach cramps and stomach bleeding, so eating these foods for a long time is likely to induce stomach cancer, so everyone should eat less cold foods and insist on drinking warm water.

3. Don’t overeating

There are always overeating and excessive dieting in life, and it is very likely that there will be stomach discomfort This will increase the risk of cancer, so if you want to better prevent stomach cancer, you should reduce overeating in terms of diet, and eat seven or eight full meals per meal.

4. Wash hands frequently

Helicobacter pylori infection may also be one of the causes of gastric cancer, so if everyone wants to prevent gastric cancer, then Pay attention to the hygiene of your hands, and try to develop a good habit of washing your hands before meals.

5. Exercise more

There are many benefits of exercise, not only can relieve stress, but also It can improve the body’s immune resistance, which is also helpful for the prevention of cancer, such as morning running and swimming.

6. Check in time if discomfort is found

The occurrence of gastric cancer may be related to gastric diseases, such as gastritis or gastric polyps. If you don’t pay attention to it for a long time or take careless medication, it may induce gastric cancer. Therefore, everyone should pay attention to it.

Early symptoms of gastric cancer

1. Digestive system symptoms: In the early stage of gastric cancer, some indigestion symptoms such as loss of appetite and belching may occur, especially after eating. There is a feeling of fullness, so it is often active to restrict diet, and it will also be accompanied by repeated belching.

2. Abnormal stool: patients with early gastric cancer will have black stool or fecal occult blood positive. should be checked in time.