How scary is Fushou snail? Chinese foodies avoid it, but are regarded as treasures by the Japanese

Text/Jiajiawei Popular Science

It is an invasive organism that has cost Taiwan 1 billion to eliminate, and it has occupied the southern river for more than 40 years The main culprit, and it is even a sought-after product that is regarded as a treasure by the Japanese. What is so special about it? Will two countries separated by a sea have different treatment? And how is it flooding into disasters in our country?

Can the Fushou snail be eaten?

The Fushou snail is also called the big bottle snail, which is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Central America, such as Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, etc.

In 1981, the Fushou snail was introduced to my country, because of its large size and meat, One can hold 4 small snails, and the fecundity can’t catch up with the dead snails. It is said that Fushou snails can lay 320,000 eggs a year. For a time, the breeding boom of Fushou snails began.

But the good times didn’t last long. The introduction of Fushou snails, which had not been more than 3 years old, quickly became “Yaoshou snails”. Because of the habit of not being picky about food, Fushou snails began to be unscrupulous. It can be said that they eat whatever they see. Known as the “scavenger in the snail”.

Not only green plants, but also insects and small fish that live in a piece of water, and even animal carcasses and similar remains can be included in the menu.

Of course, I like the young part of the plant the most. As a result, the rice seedlings have not grown up, and they have become the dishes of Fushou snails, which made the farmer’s uncle fall into despair.

It is reported that in 1982, 20,000 hectares of crops in Taiwan Province were persecuted by Fushou snails. So far, the 30-year human snail war has also kicked off. So, what measures have people taken? Let’s look down.

Fu Shou snail, once the bearer of the barbecue session, may turn you into the second child of Wu next door if you are not careful.

The appearance of fu shou snail is very similar to that of field snails , 20 years ago, it was a must-have delicacy at barbecue stalls until 2006, when Fushouluo was “removed” from the menu of Chinese foodies overnight.

At that time, more than 80 people in a restaurant in Guangzhou were rushed to the hospital. The reason It was these people who were infected with Angiostrongylus, a parasite that causes meningitis, and it was only after understanding that they all ate the snails.

Perhaps you would say, why do restaurants serve such a deadly snail?

In fact, it is not that the snail can’t be eaten. After all, the purpose of introducing the snail to my country was to eat it.

After all, this mouthful of Fushou snail meat is equivalent to 4 snails.

So it is more complicated to eat Fushou snails than to eat field snails , Because studies have found that the number of parasites in Fushou snails is very large. Some people say that it can reach 6,000. I think this number should be exaggerated. If this is the case, it is estimated that the snail meat is not meat, but full of parasites. .

However, although it is not as scary as 6,000, it must be many times more parasites in the snails. It can be said that all aquatic products actually have parasites in their bodies, but how many The problem.

Obviously Fushouluo is the existence of the top king, then if you are If you like to eat Fushou snails, remember to ensure that they are cooked well, because the snails are very large, and the shell and thick snail meat will insulate heat and protect parasites.

It is precisely because of this that Chinese foodies often stay away from Fushou snails, but in Japan, the situation is completely different. Why? Let’s look down.

Is the Fushou snail really just a fancy thing? Why is it considered a baby in Japan?

In the 1970s, Japan, like my country, introduced Fushou snails for the purpose of eating, but the actual situation in the two countries is completely different.

When my country introduced Fushou snails at that time, it was called a unity of the whole people. Ah, it was a training class and an advocacy release. What was the result? How positive it was at the beginning, how embarrassed it is now.

On the other hand, in Japan, we found something wrong at the beginning of the introduction. This is not to say that we are not smart enough, but that the Japanese farmers are poor. They are because the snails are “too edible” and the farmers simply cannot raise them. rise.

Later, some people suggested that since it has such a large appetite, it is better to use it to weed the farmland.

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What I mean here is that Japan’s farmland is different from China’s. Their paddy fields implement flood-dry rotation, that is, in the early stage of seedling growth, the fields do not release water. Wait until the paddy field grows and water.

At this time, the stem of the rice has grown thick and strong, and the snail can’t bite at all, so it can only eat the weeds in the paddy field.

When the weeds are almost eliminated, the farmers will pick up the snails and sell them to factories. Of course, they will not be eaten by humans, but will be processed into feed to feed the livestock. In this way, the flood of snails is not only solved, but also reasonable Resources are utilized.

It is worth mentioning that this way It doesn’t work in our country. After all, the rice fields are not in line with the way of planting, but it can be processed into feed to feed livestock. After all, this is much better than unscrupulous merchants selling shoddy ones to diners. What do you think about this? see?