How long does it take to lose 5 pounds? 2 principles to improve the success rate of weight loss

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Losing weight requires effort, not shouting slogans. After all, fat is accumulated by jins. If you want to lose excess fat on your body, you also need to put in action and effort.

Someone asked the editor: How long does it take to lose 5 pounds?

The chosen method varies and the speed varies. Assuming that all the weight you lose is fat, then 5 pounds of fat contains 19,000 calories. If you run for 1 hour a day, you can burn about 500 calories, then you need to stick to it for about 38 days to lose 5 pounds of fat.

If you keep running and exercising, you can also manage your diet and reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 calories than usual, then your weight loss efficiency will double. Lose 5 pounds of fat in just 19 days.

Therefore, if we want to win weight loss and make a successful counterattack, we must maintain enough self-discipline to persevere, and time will naturally give back to your better self.

However, during weight loss, we must learn scientific weight loss concepts, avoid misunderstandings, and choose the correct method to lose weight scientifically and avoid body rebound.

If you find yourself losing weight inefficiently, gaining weight easily, and unable to lose weight, you need to reflect on whether you have fallen into the misunderstanding of weight loss. Adhering to two principles to lose weight can make you lose weight faster and stay away from the trouble of gaining weight.

Principle 1. Don’t over-diet, and have a varied diet

Losing weight does not make you over-diet. The intake pattern of not eating staple food, meat and very low calorie will make the body feel famine. In order to cope with famine, the body will actively consume muscles and reduce calorie output to protect the body.

That is to say, when you eat less, your body consumes less, and your fat-prone constitution will also patronize you. Even if you lose weight by dieting, it is easy to get back in shape after you resume your diet.

We should stay away from wrong weight loss methods such as vomiting, fruit meal replacements, diet pills, etc. The correct diet method is: control calorie intake not lower than the basal metabolic value, and at the same time balance Dietary nutrition, supplementing the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins needed by the body can maintain the body’s metabolic level and lose weight healthily.

Principle 2. Add strength training to improve basal metabolic value

Many people think that weight loss efforts do aerobics Exercise is enough, such an idea is rather one-sided. Excessive aerobic exercise will also cause muscle loss while burning fat, thereby depleting the basal metabolic value, which is not conducive to the development of a lean physique.

In order to improve the efficiency of fat burning and shaping, and the body proportion after losing weight, we can add strength training to exercise the body muscles, which can effectively improve the basal metabolic value and avoid the figure fat again.

People who have not tried strength training can start with bodyweight training, such as 100 squats, 50 lunges, and 100 push-ups. It can help you exercise your whole body muscles.

You will feel muscle soreness after every workout. Usually, the soreness will disappear after 2-3 days of rest, which also means that the muscles are slowly growing. Get strong.