Hemodialysis – escorting vascular access

What is hemodialysis

Draining a patient’s blood out of the body through a dialysis machine It is a process in which blood flows through the dialyzer (man-made semi-permeable membrane), exchanges substances with the dialysate in the dialyzer, removes excess water and toxins in the body, and at the same time corrects electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders.

how often dialysis is done

Usually the standard hemodialysis regimen for a uremic patient is 4 hours three times a week.

Necessary for Dialysis – “Lifeline”

< p data-track="7">One of the most critical issues must have a “lifeline”, which is to establish a vascular access (a pathway that drains blood to the outside and ensures sufficient circulating blood volume). At present, the most ideal The vascular access is an autologous arteriovenous fistula, and the fistula matures at least 6-8 weeks after surgery. If emergency dialysis is needed and there is no internal fistula, a temporary central venous catheter must be placed. After the condition is stable, arteriovenous fistula surgery will be performed, which will not only increase the pain, but also increase the cost. Go to the hospital for follow-up regularly, and follow the doctor’s advice. It is best to establish an internal fistula 3 months to half a year before the penetration.

When is hemodialysis best

The best time for hemodialysis is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s own renal function test indicators and clinical symptoms. However, many uremia patients are afraid of dialysis, thinking that once they have dialysis, they will face death, and they often delay treatment, resulting in serious complications. This is because of a lack of understanding of dialysis. The emergence of such complications, will still be alive and healthy (some people who receive dialysis treatment regret not early dialysis). At present, the longest dialysis patients in China can live for about 30 years, and the longest abroad is 52 years. Therefore, the patients undergoing dialysis are not terminally ill. I hope to follow the doctor’s advice as soon as possible, face it scientifically, and actively treat it. Establish confidence in a good life, return to society as soon as possible, and still live a wonderful life!