Heilongjiang added 2 new cases of local asymptomatic infection yesterday

From 0 to 24:00 on May 15, 2022, 1 new case of asymptomatic infection of new coronary pneumonia imported from abroad was added in Heilongjiang Province (reported by Harbin City, imported from South Korea); 2 new cases of local asymptomatic infection (1 in Mudanjiang City) Cases, 1 case in Qiqihar City), all of which were found by nucleic acid testing during the centralized isolation of returnees from other provinces. 6 local confirmed cases were cured and discharged on the same day (5 in Harbin and 1 in Mudanjiang); 2 local asymptomatic infections were released from medical observation (1 in Harbin and 1 in Mudanjiang).

As of 24:00 on May 15, there are 1 confirmed cases imported from abroad and 7 cases of asymptomatic infections imported from abroad; there are 11 local confirmed cases in the province and local asymptomatic infections 28 cases.

The epidemic has not yet ended. The general public should continue to tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, firmly establish the concept of “everyone is the first person responsible for their own health”, standardize vaccination, and adhere to “wear a mask, Wash your hands frequently, ventilate more, and don’t gather.” Pay close attention to the epidemic situation. If there is an intersection with the trajectory of the positive infection, or if there is a history of travel and residence in domestic medium and high-risk areas or epidemic-related areas within 14 days, immediately report to the community (village) and work unit where you live, and cooperate with the implementation of prevention and control measures. control measures. If you have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, decreased sense of smell (taste), diarrhea, etc., please do not take the medicine by yourself. Wear a mask and go to the nearest fever clinic for inspection and treatment as soon as possible. Avoid taking public transportation during the treatment process. , and take the initiative to inform the travel history, contact history.

The current situation of epidemic prevention and control is still complicated and severe. The epidemic prevention and control headquarters of various cities and localities should check the recent arrivals (returns) of the people in the epidemic-related areas, and strengthen the “big data + grid” , to accurately grasp and control the relevant risk personnel, and the identified risk personnel should implement classified management and control measures such as coding, nucleic acid testing, isolation management, and health monitoring as soon as possible after assessing the risk of infection. (Heilongjiang Health Commission)